Add a Team Member

The COVID-19 portal allows a maximum of twenty users per facility.

Once a team member is added, they'll have the ability to submit data entries but only Primary Owners (original recipients of the Portal email) can add/remove members. Follow the instructions below to invite a new team member.

You can only invite users with the same email domain as the one you have connected to the Portal. For instance if your email address ends in, you can only invite other users who also have an email address. Public email domains such as or should not be used.

  1. Open the Team page and scroll down to Available Invitations.
  2. Enter the first name, last name, and email of the new user.

    Team page showing the Available Invitations section.

  3. Select Invite to send the email invitation.

Once the invite is sent, the added team member(s) will receive an email with a link to create an account.

When all twenty invitations have been sent, a "No Invites Available" message will appear at the bottom of the Team page.