How to Use the Calendar Tool
To change the dates using the calendar tool:
- Select the calendar icon (
The calendar date tool appears displaying the currently selected date, month, and year.
- If the month and year that you want appears in the top center of the calendar, select a day from the body of the calendar.
- If you want a different month of the year than the month that appears in the top center of the calendar, use the left and right arrows to change the month.
- If you want a different year, do one of the following:
- Change the year by selecting the month and year in the top center of the calendar. The year displays at the top of the calendar without the month. Use the right and left arrows to change the year. When the year that you want appears, select the month of that year in the calendar body.
- If you need to navigate to a year that is more than 10 years from the current date, in the center top of the calendar, select the month and year, then select the year again. A range of 10 years appears at the center top of the calendar. Individual years in that range appear in the calendar body. Use the right and left arrows to select the 10 year range that you want. Select one of the years listed in the calendar body.
After you select a day, the calendar closes and the date that you picked appears in the field.