Manage Enterprises

What Is the Enterprise Page?

The Enterprise page of the TeleTracking IQ® platform allows you to configure the structure of your health system in a tree format. Different health systems have different structures. Some health systems are national and have regions that include several sub-regions each of which includes a few facilities. Other health systems are smaller and have all their facilities in one large group. Administrators configure the structure of their health system on the Admin > Enterprise page. They can create different levels of groups and subgroups in which to include facilities.


Why Configure Enterprises?

When your enterprise structure is configured, the hierarchy for each facility appears in the TeleTracking IQ® platform in the facility information pop-up boxes and the Transfers list column filters. In addition, when filtering the Facilities field in the On Call > Schedule page, the facilities appear grouped under their immediate parents in the enterprise hierarchy. This helps to select the correct facility because multiple facilities may have the same name in different regional groupings. For example, Star Health System could include a Children's Hospital in Chicago as well as in Philadelphia. The Children's Hospital in Chicago (the Mid-West group) would appear in the column filter and information pop-up box as Star Health System > Mid-West > Children's Hospital. This structure differentiates the facility Children's Hospital in Philadelphia (Eastern group) which would appear as Star Health System > Eastern > Children'sHospital.


Are There Restrictions?

  • A group name can appear only once in the entire enterprise. For example, if the Pennsylvania group has a subgroup called Butler County, the Ohio group cannot have a subgroup called Butler County.
  • If the same facility is in multiple groups and you remove it from one group, it will be removed from all of them. If you only intended to remove the facility from one group, you will have to add it again to the other groups.


How to Configure Enterprises

  1. Go to Admin > Structure > Enterprise to display the Enterprise configuration page with the default Enterprise at the top of the Enterprise Structure section.
  2. Select the default entry in the top box, Enterprise, and type the name of your health system. Then hit the ENTER key to populate the box with your text.

Add Enterprise Groups and Subgroups

  1. Hold your mouse over the health system's name to display it's action icons.
  2. Select the Add Subgroup icon () to add a blank line below the health system.

  1. Type the name of the subgroup in the blank field and select the check mark to save the entry or select the x to clear the entry and delete the blank subgroup field.
  2. If you selected the checkmark, the subgroup appears indented under the enterprise or higher level group.
  3. You can add any number of subgroups to your health system. The subgroups that you add can be nested (indented) under other subgroups to reflect a tree structure appropriate to your health system.

Add Enterprise Facilities

  • In the Ungrouped Facilities section, select and drag a facility to a subgroup or directly under the enterprise. Drop the facility on the subgroup when a blank appears.

The facility appears indented under the subgroup or enterprise where you dropped it.


Edit Enterprise Groups and Subgroups

  1. Select the pencil icon () in a subgroup's row to display the name of the group in an active box.
  2. Change the text in the subgroup's box and do one of the following:
  • Select the check mark to save your changes.
  • Select the x to dismiss the subgroup box without saving your changes.


Move Groups, Subgroups, and Facilities

  1. Hold your mouse over a group, subgroup or facility until the double arrow appears ().
  2. Drag the group, subgroup or facility and drop it under a different group.

The group, subgroup or facility moves to the different location in the enterprise hierarchy.


Delete Enterprise Groups

  1. Select the trash can icon () in a subgroup's row to display the Delete Group dialog box.
  2. Select Yes, Delete Group to clear the subgroup from the Enterprise Structure section.


You cannot delete your health system which is the top row in the Enterprise Structure section.


Delete Facilities

  • Drag a facility from Enterprise Structure section to the Ungrouped Facilities section to remove the facility from the enterprise.
