Create Medical Practice Accounts
Who Can Create Medical Practice Accounts?
Users with administrator permissions can create medical practice accounts.
Note: If you are using a version of Community Access® Portal with the Referring Facility Admin role enabled, the contracted Health System should contact their TeleTracking Commercial Representation or TeleTracking Support for assistance in adding a new Medical Practice Account.
How to Create a Medical Practice Account
- Go to Admin > Structure > Medical Practices to display the Medical Practice Accounts list.
- Select Create Account to display the Medical Practice Accounts - Create Account page.
- In Medical Practice Name, type the name of the group of facilities and physicians that you want to add.
- In Contact Name, type the name of the primary contact person at the medical practice.
- In Contact Phone #, type the phone number of the primary contact person at the medical practice.
- In Contact Email, type the email address of the primary contact person at the medical practice.
- In Referring Facilities, begin typing the name of a referring facility that you want to associate with the medical practice account. Select a facility from the list that appears. The drop-down menu displays the facility's name, city, and state.
The facility's name appears next to Selected Facilities.
Note: Only facilities marked as Referring in the Facility Dictionary will appear as options for selection in the Referring Facilities field.
- Repeat the previous step to add other referring facilities.
Select Create Account to return to the Medical Practice Accounts page and save the new medical practice account in the list.