Create Medical Practice Accounts

Who Can Create Medical Practice Accounts?

Users with administrator permissions can create medical practice accounts.

Note: If you are using a version of Community Access® Portal with the Referring Facility Admin role enabled, the contracted Health System should contact their TeleTracking Commercial Representation or TeleTracking Support for assistance in adding a new Medical Practice Account.

How to Create a Medical Practice Account

  1. Go to Admin > Structure > Medical Practices to display the Medical Practice Accounts list.
  1. Select Create Account to display the Medical Practice Accounts - Create Account page.

  1. In Medical Practice Name, type the name of the group of facilities and physicians that you want to add.
  2. In Contact Name, type the name of the primary contact person at the medical practice.
  3. In Contact Phone #, type the phone number of the primary contact person at the medical practice.
  4. In Contact Email, type the email address of the primary contact person at the medical practice.
  1. In Referring Facilities, begin typing the name of a referring facility that you want to associate with the medical practice account. Select a facility from the list that appears. The drop-down menu displays the facility's name, city, and state.

The facility's name appears next to Selected Facilities.

Note: Only facilities marked as Referring in the Facility Dictionary will appear as options for selection in the Referring Facilities field.

  1. Repeat the previous step to add other referring facilities.
  1. Select Create Account to return to the Medical Practice Accounts page and save the new medical practice account in the list.
