Concurrency Management

What Is Concurrency?

Concurrency refers to the situation when more than one user performs an action on the same record at the same time.

In the Community Access® Portal, concurrency can refer to users simultaneously performing any of the following actions on same referral:

  • Editing cases or referrals
  • Importing referrals
  • Cancelling referrals
  • Withdrawing referrals

In the TransferCenterIQ™ application, concurrency can refer to users simultaneously performing any of the following actions on same case.

  • Updating the case's Patient or Outcomes tabs
  • Updating the Created Date, Case Owner, and Case Needs Review fields.


What Happens When Users Edit the Same Record at the Same Time?

When a patient case record is open in Edit mode, the system checks for new updates every 5 seconds.

  1. If another TeleTracking IQ® platform user saves updates, a message appears indicating the name of the person that made the edits.

If another Capacity Management Suite® solution user saves updates, a message appears indicating a Capacity Management User made the edits without specifying the user's name.

The Patient and Outcome tabs display a warning icon () indicating where the changes may be.

The Save button becomes inactive.

  1. Select Refresh in the warning message.

Any of your unsaved changes are not saved upon refresh.

The case refreshes on your screen to display the other user's updates.

  1. Continue making your edits.


Saving a Case at the Same Time as Another User

  1. If two users save the same case at exactly the same time, an additional dialog box appears in the foreground:

  1. Select one of the following:

  • Stay Here for Now – Clicking this button closes the Changes Not Saved warning message and allows you to review your changes, select Refresh in the orange message, and reopen the case.

  • Discard All My Changes – Clicking this button closes both the Changes Not Saved warning and the orange message and clears all your changes.
  1. Continue to make your edits.
