Create Clinician Accounts
Why Do You Need to Create Clinician Accounts?
On the Create New Clinician page, you can add a clinician to the On-Call Scheduling™ application so that the clinician can be assigned to shifts on the schedule. Add clinicians to the On-Call Scheduling™ application so that you can create shifts for them. The clinicians' names appear:
- In the Clinician list in the Create Shift page.
- On the calendar, on the shifts that they are assigned.
- On the Currently On Call page.
Who Can Create a Clinician Account?
The administrator of your TeleTracking IQ® platform assigns people who are responsible for schedules to the role of Service Line Owner. If you have been assigned the Service Line Owner role, you can create clinician accounts. A service line owner can create a clinician account for any service line. For example, if you are a service line owner for Cardiology, you can create Cardiology clinician accounts, and you can also create clinician accounts for other service lines, such as Obstetrics.
How to Create a Clinician Account
- Go to On Call > Clinicians to display the Clinicians page.
- Select Create Clinician to display the Create Clinician page.
- Type the clinician's Last Name (for example, Jones), First Name (for example, Adrian), Middle Initial (for example, S), and Suffix (for example, M.D.)
- Type the clinician's work-related Email Address.
- In Primary in the On-Call Information section, select whether the clinician prefers to be contacted by office phone, mobile phone, or pager (Office, Mobile, or Pager).
- In Phone Number and Extension (Ext) or Mobile Phone Number or Pager Number, enter the number of the office phone and (if applicable) extension, mobile phone, or pager.
- To add a secondary preferred contact method, select the Add Another Contact Method link to display Secondary.
- In Secondary in the On-Call Information section, select the secondary method that can be used to contact the clinician (Office, Mobile, or Pager).
- In Phone Number and Extension (Ext) or Mobile Phone Number or Pager Number, enter the number of the office phone and (if applicable) extension, mobile phone, or pager.
- If there is an alternate secondary preferred contact method for this clinician, select the Add Another Contact Method link to display Tertiary.
- In Tertiary in the On-Call Information section, select the alternate secondary method (Office, Mobile, or Pager).
- In Phone Number Extension (Ext) or Mobile Phone Number, or Pager Number, enter the number of the office phone and (if applicable) extension, mobile phone, or pager.
If you remove the information in Secondary, then the information in Tertiary remains the alternate secondary contact method. It does not replace Secondary.
In Additional Information, type information that someone who needs to contact this clinician might need (for example, Dr. Jones works with adult patients only). The text in Additional Information will appear in shifts that this clinician is assigned to. Anyone who creates, edits, or views shifts can see it. If the information is changed later, changes will appear in past, current, and future shifts assigned to this clinician.
In Associated Facilities, select the facilities where this clinician can be assigned to on-call shifts. The clinician can only be assigned to shifts at the facilities that you select. You can select only facilities that an administrator associated with your user profile. Begin to type the facility name , and then select the name from the list that appears.
Select Create Clinician.
The clinician is added in a new row on the Clinicians page.