View Clinician Details
About Clinician Details
On the Clinicians page, you can view the details about a clinician, such as the clinician's contact numbers. If you have the Service Line Owner role, the Create Clinician button is available so that you can add clinicians who can be selected when creating shifts.
Who Can View Clinician Details?
The administrator of your TeleTracking IQ® platform assigns people who are responsible for schedules to the role of Service Line Owner and assigns people who need to view schedules to the role of Schedule Viewer.
- Service Line Owner— If you have been assigned the role of Service Line Owner, you can view clinician information. While you are viewing clinician information, you have the option to view details about a clinician (such as notes about their preferences for being contacted), create a clinician account, and provide missing profile information for clinician accounts that were transferred from the TransferCenterIQ™ application.
- Schedule Viewer — If you have been assigned the role of Schedule Viewer, you can view clinician information and view details about a clinician. You do not have the option to add clinician accounts or to provide missing profile information for clinician accounts.
Go to Clinicians Page
Already there? Search for Clinician or View Details About Clinician or Provide Missing Clinician Profile Information

The clinician's last and first name, middle initial, and suffix (for example, Smith, Chris, J, M.D.)

The contact number that should be used first to contact the clinician. Whether the number is an Office, Mobile, or Pager number follows the number in parentheses. If the phone number was transferred from the TransferCenterIQ™ application as part of a physician account, then after the physician has a complete clinician profile, the transferred phone number becomes the primary contact number and Office becomes the contact method automatically .

A number for contacting the clinician if it is not possible to use the Primary Contact number. Whether it is an Office, Mobile, or Pager number follows the number in parentheses.

If Complete Profile appears in this column, then the clinician account was transferred from the classic TransferCenterIQ™ application and some information is missing. Select the Complete Profile link to provide the missing information. If the View Details link appears, select it to display the Clinician Details page and view information about the clinician. If you have the Service Line Owner role, an Edit Clinician button appears on the Clinician Details page and you can select it to begin changing the clinician information.
Search for Clinician
- In the search box under Clinicians in the upper-left, type at least 3 consecutive letters from the clinician's first or last name to display a list of names containing those 3 consecutive letters. Or, type 2 consecutive letters from the first or last name, and then press the Enter key to display names with those 2 consecutive letters.
Typing lee in the search box displays the clinicians Lee Parker, Pat Leeder, Chris Greenlee, and Eileen Smith.
View Details About Clinician
You can view each clinician's name, contact information, preferred contact methods, and notes that you might need before contacting them (for example, Dr. Aarans works only with adult patients). This information is on the View Clinician page. If the administrator for your TeleTracking IQ® platform assigned you the Service Line Owner role, then an Edit Clinician button is available on the View Clinician page and you can select it to start changing information about the clinician.
To view clinician details:
- In the last column on the Clinicians page, select the View Details link to display the View Clinician page.
Provide Missing Clinician Profile Information
If a clinician account has been transferred from the classic TransferCenterIQ™ application and the Clinicians page shows that the account is missing some information, a Complete Profile link appears in the row that shows the clinician's information. To be assigned to shifts and included in the schedule, the clinician must have a complete profile. You can select the Complete Profile link to display the Create Clinicians page. On the Create Clinicians page, provide the missing information, and then select Create Clinician. This creates a complete profile for the clinician whose information was transferred from the TransferCenterIQ™ application.
To provide missing clinician information:
- On the Clinicians page, in the last column, select the Complete Profile link to display the Create Clinicians page.
- On the Create Clinician page, make sure that all fields that are marked required with a blue asterisk (*) have the correct information.
- Select Create Clinician.