View Contact Information for Currently On-Call Clinicians

About the Currently On Call Page

The Currently On Call page is a good place to see at a glance:

  • An overview of who is on call for all service lines at one facility and who is on call for all facilities for one service line.
  • Which service lines at a facility currently have no one on call and which facilities have no one on call for a service line.
  • If someone else is on call for a service line at another facility. You could contact a clinician who is on call at another facility if questions and issues arise when no one is on call at your facility.
  • Who is on call within the next 24 hours.


Details Available

The following details can be found through the Currently On Call page:

  • Who is on call now for the selected facilities or for the selected service lines. Information for one facility or one service line at a time apperas. Information appears in alphabetical order by facility or service line, and then by clinician last name.
  • The following information for each on-call clinician:
  • The service line or facility for which the clinician is on call, such as Cardiology or ABC Womens'.
  • Clinician's name, such as Ruiz, Robin.
  • The primary contact number and method (office, mobile, or pager) by which the clinician prefers to be contacted, such as 412-555-5437 (Mobile).
  • The secondary contact number and method, such as 989-765-0093 (Pager).
  • A tertiary (alternate secondary) contact number and method, such as 989-765-0093 (Office).
  • One clinician might be on call at multiple facilities during the same shift. The clinician information appears only once for the selected facility on the Currently On Call , Schedule, Gaps, and Clinicians pages. If you select another facility where the clinician is on call, the clinician information appears for that facility as well.
  • If one clinician has multiple overlapping shifts at the same facility, the clinician information appears only once for the selected facility.

One Card on Currently On Call Page


Are Their Any Restrictions

You can view currently on call information only for:

  • Facilities that an administrator associated with your user profile.
  • Service lines that are associated with those facilities.


How to View the Currently On Call Page

  1. Go to On Call > Currently On Call to display the Currently On Call page.
  2. Under Filter by, select Facility or Service Line.
  3. In the Facility or Service Line list, select a facility or service line name.

The page displays a card that looks like the following pictures for each service line at the selected facility or each facility for the selected service line. A red border at the top means that no one is currently on call for that service line at the selected facility or that facility for the selected service line. If no one is on call at the selected facility, but clinicians are on call for the same service line at another facility, a note appears at the bottom of the card. You can select the Show link to learn who is on call at the other facility.

  1. To see which service lines or facilities do not have clinicians on call, look at all the cards that have red borders on the top.
  2. On a service line card with a red border that displays a Show link, select the Show link to see information about clinicians on call for that service line at other facilities. To see on-call details about a specific facility, select the card for the facility.
  1. To see additional information about the clinician and the service line, notes about the shift, and to who is on call in the next 24 hours, select the card.


If the shift is ending soon, a caution symbol appears in lower-right corner.

The following appears after you select a card. It shows who is currently on call and who will be on call in the next 24 hours. You can use the View Full Schedule link only to see schedules for facilities that are associated with your user profile.
