Generate a Quick Report
Why Generate a Quick Report?
There are two types of quick reports: On-Call Schedule and On-Call Audit History.
- On-Call Schedule — You might need to see who is on call for service lines at a facility for a certain date range. You can generate an On-Call Schedule quick report for a date range of up to 90 days that can be exported to .xls or .pdf format. You might need to either distribute printouts or email .pdf or .xls files of the schedule. Some facilities must comply with regulations that require printed schedules.
- On-Call Audit History — You might need to see details about when a shift was created, what the original shift information was, when it changed, what changed, and who changed it. You can generate an On-Call Audit History report for a date range of up to 31 days that can be exported to .xls or .pdf format. For best results, export to .pdf format.
What Does The Quick Report Show?
On-Call Schedule Quick Report
About the On-Call Schedule Report
For each service line that you chose to display on the report, the report shows who is on call for each shift and their contact information and (optional) clinician additional information, shift notes, and additional information about the service line. You can generate an On-Call Schedule Quick report for a date range of up to 90 days. Only the clinicians that you selected appear on the report. If the quick report is for a range of dates, the date range appears in the upper-right of the page. If it is for one date, that date appears in the upper-right.
What the On-Call Schedule Report Looks Like
On-Call Audit History Quick Report
About the On-Call Audit History Report
The On-Call Audit History quick report has a Shift History column that shows who created a shift or changed shift information for one service line at one facility during a period of up to 31 days, and what was changed. The other columns on the report show the facility, service line, additional information about the service line, shift start date, shift end date, shift start time, shift end time, assigned clinician, additional information about the clinician, and shift notes.
An example of information in the Shift History column is:
1.) Created by JDavis with Start Date Time as
03/02/2018 03:00 PM, End Date Time as
03/02/2018 11:30 PM, Service Line as Cardiology,
Clinician as Aarans, Alex, Facility(s) as METRO on
03/02/2018 01:00 PM.
2.) Changed Start Date Time from 03/02/2018
03:00 PM to 03/02/2018 03:30 PM by JDavis on
03/02/2018 01:01 PM.
Dates on the Audit History quick report are in local format. For example, if you are in the United Kingdom, the start date, end date, created date, modified date, and deleted date are in dd/mm/yyyy format.
What the On-Call Audit History Report Looks Like
Who Can View or Print a Quick Report?
The administrator of your TeleTracking IQ® platform assigns people who are responsible for schedules to the role of Service Line Owner. Users who can view schedules are assigned the Schedule Viewer role.
- On-Call Schedule Quick Report — If you have been assigned the Schedule Viewer or Service Line Owner role, you can generate an On-Call Schedule quick report in .pdf or .xls format for a facility that is associated with your user profile and email or print it.
- On-Call Audit History Quick Report — If you have been assigned the Service Line Owner role, you can generate an Audit History quick report in.pdf or .xls format for a facility that is associated with your user profile and email or print it.
Are There Any Restrictions?
You can generate quick reports only for:
- Facilities that an administrator associated with your user profile.
- Services lines that are linked to the facilities that are associated with your user profile.
- Clinicians who are associated with the selected facility.
How to Generate a Quick Report
To Generate an On-Call Schedule Quick Report
- Go to On Call > Quick Reports to display the Quick Reports page.
- In Report Type, select On-Call Schedule.
- In Facility, select the facility for which you want to generate the report.
- In Service Lines, select the service lines that should appear on the report.
- In Clinicians, select the clinicians who should appear on the report.
- In Dates, from the calendar icons, select the date range for which you want to see the quick report. The date range can be no longer than 90 days.
- If you want the additional information about the clinicians and the service lines plus the shift notes to appear on the report, select the Include Service Line, Clinician, and Shift Notes check box.
- If you want the Time On-Call column on the report to show the total hours that each clinician was scheduled for shifts for each service line during the time period shown on the report, select the Show total hours scheduled per Clinician, per Service Line check box.
You are generating a report for the time period May 1 through May 31. During that time period, Robin Ruiz was scheduled for three 12-hour shift, totaling 36 hours, at the selected facility for the Cardiology service line. The first shift 12-hour shift was on May 1, the second was on May 15, and the third was on May 31. If you select the Show total hours scheduled per Clinician, per Service Line check box, then the first time Robin's name appears on the report in the Cardiology section, Total Schedule: 12hr appears in the Time On-Call column under the shift time and date. The second time Robin's name appears, Total Schedule: 24hr appears in the Time On-Call column to indicate that at that point, Robin was on call a total of 24 hours for the Cardiology service line at the selected facility. The third time Robin's name appears, Total Schedule: 36hr appears in the Time On-Call column to indicate that at that point, Robin was on call a total of 36 hours for the Cardiology service line at the selected facility. This is helpful when the organization needs to see the cumulative number of hours that a clinician was on call for a service line during the selected time period.
- Select Generate Report.
- When the report appears, select the printer icon to print it or the download icon download it as a .PDF (Acrobat [PDF] File) or .XLS (Excel 97-2003) file.
To Generate an Audit History Quick Report
- Go to On Call > Quick Reports to display the Quick Reports page.
- In Report Type, select On-Call Audit History.
- In Facility, select the facility for which you want to generate the report.
- In Service Lines, select one service line that should appear on the report.
- In Dates, from the calendar icons, select the date range for which you want to see the quick report. The date range can be no longer than 31 days.
- Select Generate Report.
- When the report appears, select the printer icon to print it or the download icon download it as a .pdf or an .XLS (Excel 97-2003) file. For best results, download it as a .pdf file.