Edit Shifts
Why Edit Shifts?
If shifts with require changes, you can edit them. You can edit shifts that are in the future, that have already started, or that are in the past. For example, if you learn today that a clinician was scheduled to start a shift at 8:00 AM yesterday, but did not actually start it until 8:30 AM, you can edit the shift to reflect accurately when it started. For a recurring series of shifts, you can edit all occurrences in the series. Or, if only one occurrence in the series should be different from the others, you can edit just that occurrence. This is helpful if something about the recurring series of shifts, such as the clinician or the start time, will be different only a few times during the series.
Who Can Edit a Shift?
The administrator of your TeleTracking IQ® platform assigns people who are responsible for schedules to the role of Service Line Owner. If you have been assigned the Service Line Owner role, you can edit shifts. A service line owner can edit a shift for any service line, as long as an administrator associated the service line owner's user profile with a facility that is associated with that service line. For example, if you are a service line owner for Cardiology, you can also edit shifts for other service lines, such as Obstetrics, as long as those service lines are associated with facilities that your user profile is associated with.
Are There Any Restrictions?
All Types of Shifts
- You can change the start time of a shift to one minute later than the current time, but not to a past time.
- The Apply Shift Template option is not available when you are editing an existing shift.
- You can only edit shifts for:
- Facilities that an administrator has associated with your user profile.
- Service lines that an administrator has associated with those facilities.
- Clinicians can be assigned to shifts only at facilities that are associated with their clinician accounts.
Individual Shift
- You can edit the shift whether it has not started yet, has started already, or is in the past.
- You can edit everything.
- To change an All Day shift, clear the All Day check box and select start and end times.
Series of Recurring Shifts
- If the first occurrence in a series of shifts has already started, then you cannot change the start date of the series.
- If the first occurrence in a series has started, you can change the start time of the series, but changes will not apply to the occurrence that has started already.
A recurring series of shifts is Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5: 00 PM. At 1:00 PM on Monday, you change the start time of the recurring series from 8:00 AM to 8: 30 AM. The start time will change to 8:30 AM from Tuesday through Friday. However, the start time for Monday will remain the same.
- If one occurrence in a series is moved and then the start time for the entire series is changed, the moved occurrence will not change. A new occurrence will not be created to replace the moved occurrence.
A recurring series of shifts is Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5: 00 PM. On Monday afternoon, you move the Wednesday occurrence to 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM. On Monday evening, you change the start time of the entire series from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM. The moved occurrence will remain 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM on Wednesday. A new shift that starts at 8:30 on Wednesday will not be created.
- To change an All Day shift, clear the All Day check box and select start and end times.
Edit One Occurrence That Has Not Started Yet in the Series
- Changes apply only to this occurrence and do not affect the rest of the series.
- The occurrence is removed from the series.
Edit the Recurring Series When This Occurrence Has Not Started Yet
- Changes affect the selected occurrence and all other occurrences that have not started yet in the series.
Edit an Occurrence That Has Started, but Has Not Ended Yet, or is in the Past
- Changes apply only to this occurrence and do not affect the rest of the series.
- The occurrence is removed from the series.
Edit the Recurring Series After One Occurrence Has Been Deleted, Moved, Or Edited
- A new occurrence of the deleted, moved, or edited shift is not created automatically.
If a recurring series of shifts is scheduled for October 1 through October 10 from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Pat Davis is the assigned clinician:
- On October 1 at noon, you learn that Pat Davis asked Robin Ruiz to cover the October 1 occurrence of the shift. You change the clinician to Robin Ruiz for the October 1 occurrence only. Pat Davis remains the assigned clinician for October 2 through 10.
- On October 1 at noon, you delete the October 2 occurrence of the shift, so that there is no shift on October 2.
- On October 1 at noon, you move the October 3 occurrence of the shift from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM, so that there is no shift from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM on October 3.
Then, on October 1 at 1:30 PM, you edit the entire series to start at 8:30 AM.
- The October 1 occurrence does not change. Robin Ruiz is still the assigned clinician for October 1 only and the start time is still 8:00 AM.
- There is still no shift on October 2, as you previously deleted that occurrence. A new occurrence with an 8:30 AM start time is NOT created for October 2.
- The October 3 shift remains in the 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM time period, where you moved it previously. A new occurrence that starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 3:00 PM is NOT created for October 3.
How to Edit an Individual Shift
- Go to On Call > Schedule to display the Schedule page.
- To display the view of the schedule that you want (by day, by week, by month, or for today), select Day, Week, Month, or Today.
- Select the left and right arrows to display the exact day, week, or month for which you want to change the shift.
- In the Service Line list, select the service line associated with the shifts that you want to edit. Only service lines for facilities that are associated with your user profile are available to select.
- In the Facilities list, select the facilities (for example, ABC Hospital) or group of facilities (for example, Butler County) for which you want to edit shifts. Only facilities associated with the chosen service line are available to select.
- Select the shift that you want to change.
The View Shift page appears.
If you are viewing the schedule by month, only two shifts per time period are displayed. To see additional shifts for the same time period, select the + # More link (for example, + 2 More).
- On the View Shift page, select Edit Shift to display the Edit Shift page.
- On the left side of the Edit Shift page, change the Service Line, Facilities, and Clinician, as needed.
- On the right side, change the Shift Starts or Shift Ends date and time. If the shift should last 24 hours (12 AM to 12 AM), select the All Day check box.
- To change the shift notes, edit the text under Notes (for example, If paging system is down, call x6490). To add a note, select the Add Note link.
- You must select times that are in the future.
- The date must be the current date or later.
- Select Save Changes to return to the Schedule page.
When the facility and service line associated with the shift are selected on the Schedule page, the updated shift appears in the calendar.
Edit One Occurrence of a Recurring Series of Shifts or Edit the Series
If an occurrence of a recurring shift starts in the future, you can choose to edit just that occurrence or to edit that occurrence and all occurrences in the series that have not started yet. If you edit just that occurrence, then that occurrence will be removed from the series and the changes will not affect the rest of the series. If you edit the series, the changes will affect the occurrence that you selected and all occurrences that have not started yet.
If an occurrence of a recurring series has already started or is in the past, you can edit only that occurrence of the series.
A recurring shift at Central Hospital starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 5:00 PM daily from March 1 through March 5.
- On March 1 at noon, you open the March 3 occurrence, select Edit Shift, and change the start and end times to 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM. The March 3 occurrence is removed from the series. The other occurrences do not change.
- On March 1 at noon, you open the March 3 occurrence, select Edit Series, and change the start and end times to 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM. The March 2, 3, 4, and 5 occurrences all change because they have not started yet. The March 1 occurrence does not change because it has started already.
- On March 1, a different clinician substituted for the assigned clinician. That clinician did not actually start the shift until 8:30. On March 2, you open the March 1 occurrence, select Edit Shift, and change the clinician name and the start and end times so that the information accurately reflects who was on call and when. The March 1 occurrence is removed from the series and the clinician and time changes appear only in that occurrence. No other occurrences in the series change.
Edit One Occurrence
- Complete Steps 1 through 4 in How to Edit an Individual Shift.
- On the Schedule page, select one occurrence of the recurring shift to display the View Shift page.
- On the View Shift page, in the upper-right corner, select Edit Shift.
- Edit the service line, facilities, clinician, shift notes, and start and end times as described in How to Edit an Individual Shift
- Select Save Changes.
Only the occurrence that you selected changes. That occurrence is removed from the series.
Edit a Recurring Series of Shifts
- Follow Steps 1 through 5 in How to Edit an Individual Shift.
- On the View Shift page, in the upper-right corner, select the arrow next to the Edit Shift button and then select Edit Series to display the Edit Shift page.
- On the left side of the Edit Shift page, change the Service Line, Facilities, and Clinician, as needed.
- To change the shift notes, edit the text under Notes (for example, If paging system is down, call x6490). To add a note, select the Add Note link.
- To change the shift start or end date or time or the duration or type of recurrence (recurrence pattern or recurrence details) (for example Daily to Weekly), select the Edit link to display the Recurrence window.
- Change the Start Time, End Time, or Duration, Recurrence Details, and Recurrence Time Frame, and then select Save and Close. If the first occurrence in a recurring series of shifts has started already, then you cannot change the start date.
- You must select times that are in the future.
- If you change the start time later, the end time changes automatically so that the shift will have the same duration. For example, if the shift start time is 9:00 AM and the end time is 5:00 PM, and then you change the start time to 9:30 AM, the end time changes to 5:30 PM automatically so that the duration of the shift is the same as it was before.
- Select Save Changes to return to the Schedule page.
The occurrence that you selected changes and all occurrences that have not started yet change. Occurrences that have already started or are in the past do not change.
Change Shift End Time from the Schedule Page
You can change the shift end time from the Schedule page for an individual shift or for one occurrence in a series of recurring shifts. The end time changes only for that occurrence of the shift.
To change the shift end time from the Schedule page:
- On the Schedule page, select and hold the bottom of the shift block, move it to a different hour or half hour on the calendar, and then release.