Set a Default Service Line and Facilities


If you work with shifts for the same service line and facilities frequently, you can select a service line and facilities and set them as a default. Each time you log on to the TeleTracking IQ® platform, the Schedule page or Gaps page will automatically display the service line and facilities that you set as a default.


Are There Any Restrictions?

The defaults can be only:

  • Facilities that an administrator has associated with your user profile.
  • A service line that an administrator has associated with those facilities.


How to Set a Default Service Line and Facilities

  1. Go to On Call > Schedule or On Call > Gaps to display the Schedule page or the Gaps page.
  2. Select a service line the Service Lines list at the top of the page.
  1. Select one or more facilities from the Facilities list. Begin to type a facility name , and then when the name appears in the list, select it.


  • Only the facilities that are associated with the service line that you chose and that are associated with your user profile are available to select.
  • Administrators can put facilities in groups. You can select the name of a group of facilities. Selecting the group places all facilities in the group that are associated with your user profile and with the select service line in the Facilities box.


  1. Select the Set as Default Filters link.
