What Information Appears on the Base Default Transfers > Referrals List?

Each row on the Transfers > Referrals list describes one referral. Each column describes one field for the referrals.

Base Default Transfers > Referrals Columns

TeleTracking supplies a selection of columns as a base default list view which is not customized to a specific organization's workflow or preferences. You can accept this base default selection of columns, or you can add and delete columns to create a default Transfers > Referrals list that is customized for your organization. The base default selection of columns for the Transfers > Referrals list includes the following:

  • Created Date/Time – The date and time that the referral was created or imported to the Cases list from the Referrals list.

  • Patient Name – The patient's name in last name, first name middle name, suffix format.

  • Gender – The patient's gender appears on a color-coded background. Female appears as F on a pink background. Male appears as M on a blue background. Unknown appears as U on a gray background.

  • Age – The patient's age. The application automatically calculates and displays the patient's age when the date of birth is entered in the case details page.

  • Diagnosis – A medical provider's identification of the patient's condition, disease, or injury from evaluating the symptoms. Multiple diagnoses appear in primary, secondary order.

  • Clinical Notes – Clinical information that is important for the destination facility to know about the patient’s condition

  • ISO Type – The name of the type of isolation that the patient requires.
  • Level of Care – The degree of care that the patient requires, such as Critical, Acute, Intermediate.
  • Referring Facility – The name of the facility that requests to transfer one of its patients.

  • Preferred Facility – The facility that is preferred for the patient. This may or may not be the facility where the patient actually goes.
  • ETA – The estimated date and time that the patient is expected to arrive at the destination facility.

  • Admitting Physician – The physician who agrees to admit the patient into the destination facility.

Columns that You Can Add to the Transfers > Referrals List

You can add any of the following columns to the Transfers > Referrals list if they do not appear by default. The columns that you add appear on the Transfers > Referrals list after the default columns. See Add or Remove List Columns.

  • Caller Name – The name of an employee in the referring facility who contacted the health system to request a patient transfer.
  • Caller Phone – The phone number of an employee in the referring facility who contacted the health system to request a patient transfer. The extension appears if it exists in the dictionary.
  • DOB – The date that the patient was born.
  • Infection Prevention – The answer to the question: "Has the patient (or someone they have been in contact with) travelled outside of the U.S. within the last 21 days?" This field only appears for users in the U.S. A check appears for "Yes." Double dashes (--) appear for "No."
  • ISO Type – The name of the type of isolation that the patient requires. This column appears by default for users with the Patient Placement Specialist role.
  • Level of Care – The degree of care that the patient requires, such as Critical, Acute, Intermediate. This column appears by default for users with the Patient Placement Specialist role.
  • MRN– The medical record number associated with the patient.
  • Preferred Facility – The facility that is preferred for the patient. This may or may not be the facility where the patient actually goes.
  • Redirect Reason – The redirect reason for the preferred facility. If no preferred facility is documented, this column will remain blank.
  • Referring Physician Phone – The phone number for the physician who requests the transfer for the patient. the extension is included if it is entered in the Physician dictionary.
  • SSN– The social security identifier that is associated with the patient.