Delete Dictionary Items

Who Can Delete Dictionary Items?

If you have the Administrator role, you can create, edit and delete dictionary items if the items originated in the TeleTracking IQ® platform. If the item is supplied by an integration with an on-premise TeleTracking solution, the item is read-only and you cannot delete it.


Which Dictionary Items Can I Delete?

TransferCenterIQ™ Application Standalone Mode

You can delete all dictionary items if the TransferCenterIQ™ application on the TeleTracking IQ® platform is in standalone mode (not integrated with the on-premise Capacity Management Suite® solution).

TransferCenterIQ™ Application Integrated Mode

If your TransferCenterIQ™ application on the TeleTracking IQ® platform is integrated with the on-premise Capacity Management Suite® solution, you may or may not be able to delete the dictionary items. A delete icon () appears in the dictionary item's row if you can delete it. Otherwise, the item is view-only in the TransferCenterIQ™ application on the TeleTracking IQ® platform and must be deleted using the Capacity Management Suite® solution.


NPI Mode

NPI mode means the TeleTracking IQ® platform is integrated with the National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry to supply physician information. If your health system is integrated with the National Provider Identifier Registry, you cannot delete any of the physicians that are from the registry.


Can I Delete Seed Dictionary Items?

In addition to being able to add dictionary items of your own choice depending on the integration of the TransferCenterIQ™ application with the Capacity Management Suite® solution and the National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry, the TeleTracking IQ® platform supplies some items to get you started called seed items. These seed items cannot be edited or removed from the dictionary and always appear in the selection lists in the application.


Descriptions of Dictionary Items

For descriptions of each type of dictionary item and where they are used and information about items that you might be able to see, but not change, see Dictionary Item Configuration


Why Delete Dictionary Items?

You can delete dictionary items that are no longer useful to streamline the selection lists that users see in the application. This makes it easier for the users (such as patient placement specialists, schedulers, external care providers) to select the correct item from the drop-down lists and to avoid mistakes.


Go to the Dictionaries Page

Already there? See How to Delete Dictionary Items

  • Go to Admin > Data > Dictionaries to display the Dictionaries page.


Why Do Service Lines, Facilities, and Physicians Appear to be Read-Only?

  • If your TeleTracking IQ® platform is integrated with the classic TransferCenter application, then facilities, service lines, and physicians are configured in he classic TransferCenter application. You cannot add, edit, or delete physicians and service lines in the TeleTracking IQ® platform. You can associate a classic TransferCenter application facility with a service line, but you cannot delete it or make other changes to it. You can add or edit the Additional Information text in a classic TransferCenter application service line.

  • If the TeleTracking IQ® platform is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite® solution, then dictionary items that were created in the Capacity Management Suite® solution cannot be deleted or edited other than to associate facilities with service lines. You can create new facilities and physicians in the TeleTracking IQ® platform.

  • If your TeleTracking IQ® platform is not integrated with either the classic TransferCenter application or the the Capacity Management Suite® solution, then you can add, edit, and delete dictionary items in TeleTracking IQ® platform.



How to Delete Dictionary Items

  1. On the Dictionaries page, in Select Dictionary, select a dictionary name to view a list of its items. Administrators for the On-Call Scheduling™ application, select one of the following:
  • Service Line
  • Facility
  • Physician
  1. To find a particular dictionary item, type at least three consecutive characters that are contained in the item's name in the search field next to the Select Dictionary field.

The dictionary list refreshes to display only the items that contain the characters that you typed.

  1. In the row for the dictionary item that you want to remove, select the trash can icon ().

  2. When the warning message appears, select Yes, Delete.

The item is removed from the Dictionaries list. The item continues to appear in transfer cases and on-call shifts in which it was previously used. However, users can no longer select it in the drop-down lists.

For health systems in the United States, payors that are associated with deleted payor categories become associated with no payor category. These payors display double dashes (--) in their Payor Categories column.
