Dictionary Item Configuration
What Are Dictionary Items?
Dictionary items are common entities and pieces of information that are needed to perform work such as transferring patients to and from other facilities, creating on-call clinician schedules, and placing patients. No matter who is performing the work, the names and other identifying information about these entities should be the same.
Why Configure Dictionary Items?
An example of a dictionary item is medication. Whether someone at your hospital is creating a transfer request for a patient or placing a transferring patient, they are required to select the names of medications that the patient is taking. The exact same medication name should be available for people at your hospital to select for a transfer case or for a placement. The same reason for transfer should be available to select for a transfer case, regardless of who the patient or transfer specialist is. The same physician names, service line names and additional information, and facility names should be used for transfer cases and for on-call schedules. Having this consistent information helps the hospital to record data about trends in medications, on-call shifts, and reasons for patient transfers so that they can improve services and prepare for patient needs.
Are All Dictionary Items Configured in the TeleTracking IQ® Platform?
Your TeleTracking IQ® platform can be integrated with the classic TransferCenter™ application and the Capacity Management Suite® solution that is NOT cloud-based. If that is the case, dictionary items are configured in the non-cloud-based, classic TransferCenter™ application or Capacity Management Suite® solution and are available in your TeleTracking IQ® platform through the integration. You can see them in your TeleTracking IQ® platform, but they can be configured only in the classic TransferCenter™ application and the Capacity Management Suite® solution. There are limits on what can be changed about them in the TeleTracking IQ® platform. More information is in Why Do Service Lines, Facilities, and Physicians Appear to be Read-Only? If you have the Community Access® Portal and the TransferCenterIQ™ application on the TeleTracking IQ® platform, some dictionary items may be configured in the Admin configuration pages of the TeleTracking IQ® platform.
TransferCenterIQ™ Application Standalone Mode
Standalone mode means that the TransferCenterIQ™ application on the TeleTracking IQ® platform does not integrate with the on-premise Capacity Management Suite® solution. With standalone mode, you can configure all of the dictionary items in your cloud-based TeleTracking solution.
TransferCenterIQ™ Application Integrated Mode
Integrated mode means that the TransferCenterIQ™ application on the TeleTracking IQ® platform integrates with the on-premise Capacity Management Suite® solution. In integrated mode, some of the dictionaries' items are supplied by the on-premise Capacity Management Suite® solution, such as the items in the Isolation dictionary. These dictionary items are configured in the Capacity Management Suite® solution. They are automatically synchronized every 5 minutes from Capacity Management Suite® solution and are read-only in the TeleTracking IQ® platform. Other dictionary items are supplied by the TeleTracking IQ® platform, such as the items in the Disposition dictionary. You can create, edit, and delete these dictionary items using the TeleTracking IQ® platform. Each dictionary usually gets all of its items from either the TeleTracking IQ® platform or the on-premise Capacity Management Suite® solution or, in the case of the Community Access® Portal, from the classic TransferCenter™ application. However, some dictionaries include items that are supplied by both sources. For example, the Facility dictionary includes items that are created in the TeleTracking IQ® platform and also items that are synchronized from the on-premise Capacity Management Suite® solution. In this situation, you can configure some items, and you cannot configure other items in the same dictionary.
NPI Mode
NPI mode means the TeleTracking IQ® platform is integrated with the National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry to supply physician information. In NPI mode, the physician information automatically synchronizes with the NPI Registry and appears in view-only format in the TeleTracking IQ® platform. However, administrators can update Contact Information and Contact Methods on the Physician dictionary > Add or Edit Entry pages.
Transport Arrangements
Transport Company
For the On-Call Scheduling™ Application
If your On-Call Scheduling™ application is not integrated, then
Available Dictionary Entities
The entities are:
- Allergy
- Bed Location
- Case Type
- Diagnosis
- Disposition
- Disposition Reason
- External Unit
- Facilities
- Isolation
- Level of Care
- Medical Alert
- Medication
- Organism
- Patient Code Status
- Patient Type
- Payor (Only applies to US health systems.)
- Physicians
- Positions
- Service Lines
- Specialty
- Staff
- Tag
- Team
- Transfer Reason
- Transport Mode
- Treatment
- Unit
Who Can Configure Dictionary Items?
If you have the Administrator role, you can configure dictionary items.
If you are an administrator using the TeleTracking IQ™ Community Access™ portal, the dictionary items are configured for you by the transfer center of the preferred facility.
Who Can View Dictionary Items?
If you have the Administrator role, you can view dictionary items.
Community Access Portal Dictionary Items
What Are Community Access™ Portal Dictionary Items?
Community Access® Portal dictionary items are entities that external care providers need when they create and change referrals. The same dictionary items are used for the TransferCenterIQ™ application. If your TeleTracking cloud solution is integrated with the classic TransferCenter™ application, then the TransferCenterIQ™ dictionary items are configured in that application. See TransferCenterIQ™ Application Dictionary Items
On-Call Scheduling Dictionary Items
Service lines and facilities are required for on-call scheduling. In addition, physicians appear on the Clinicians page in the On-Call Scheduling™ application. These are the same service lines, facilities, and physicians that are needed for the TransferCenterIQ™ application. If your TeleTracking IQ® platform is not integrated with the classic TransferCenter™ application or the Capacity Management Suite® solution, then you can configure these dictionary items in your TeleTracking IQ® platform. If the TeleTracking IQ® platform is integrated with the classic TransferCenterIQ™ application and/or the Capacity Management suite, dictionary items are configured in those solutions. The dictionary items cannot be added or deleted in the TeleTracking IQ platform and only a few things about them can be changed. More information is in Why Do Service Lines, Facilities, and Physicians Appear to be Read-Only?.
The following are descriptions of each dictionary item:

The medical specialties that a clinician practices.
- Cardiology
- Oncology
- Obstetrics
- General Medicine
- Orthopedics

The entity that provides medical care to patients.
- Central Hospital
- City Health Clinic
- Sunset Nursing Home

The names and contact information of doctors who can be scheduled for on-call shifts.
TransferCenterIQ™ Application Dictionary Items
What Are TransferCenterIQ™ Application Dictionary Items?
If your hospital integrates with the classic TransferCenter™ application, then you will be able to see the following dictionary items. However, you cannot change them in your TeleTracking IQ® platform. They are transferred from the classic TransferCenter™ application, or from the Capacity Management Suite® solution.
The following dictionaries are needed for the TransferCenterIQ™ application on the TeleTracking IQ® platform:

The name of the allergen that causes the patient to have a reaction.
- Penicillin
- Mold

The patient's type of assessment. The items in the Assessment Type dictionary populate the Type selection list in the Assessment Details card on the transfer case's Patient tab.
- Initial Assessment
- Re-assessment

The name of the unit in which the bed is located.
- Emergency
- Intensive Care

A description of the kind of case.
- Emergent
- Direct Admit

The reason that a patient's assessment is delayed. These items appear in the Readiness Delay Reason and Start Delay Reason selection lists in the Assessment Details card on the transfer case's Patient tab.
- Cart not available
- Clerical delay
- Patient not in bed

The identity of the nature and cause of the patient's disease or injury.
- Cerebrovascular Attack (CVA or Stroke)
- Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)

A transferring patient's location or status.
- Accepted
- Admitted
- Decline
- Expired
- Left without Being Seen
- Redirected
- Discharged to Self Care

The reason that a patient is assigned to a disposition.
- Capacity
- Capability
- Accepted Closer to Home
- No Show
- Physician Refusal
- Physician Preference
- Administration Decline
- Out of Network
- Diversion-Disaster

The role of the facility staff member to whom the decision to declined a transfer case was escalated. This dictionary is different from User Roles which appears in the Create Account dialog box when administrators add users to the TeleTracking IQ® platform.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Administrator On Call (AOC)

Units that are not in your health system.
- East Medical 4
- Obstetrics
- Pediatric ICU

The entity that provides medical care to patients. Facilities are known as Campuses in the Capacity Management Suite® solution.
- Central Hospital
- City Health Clinic
- Sunset Nursing Home

A grouping of facilities having common characteristics. A category can be selected when configuring facilities.
- Nursing Home
- Freestanding ED
- Urgent Care

The type of isolation that is relevant to the patient's condition.
- Airborne
- Droplet
- Contact

The degree of care that the patient requires.
- Critical
- Acute
- Intermediate

Emergency conditions that a patient has and is being transferred for that the medical staff need to be alerted about.
- Trauma
- Stroke
- Myocardial Infarction (MI)

A medicine or drug used for medical treatment.
- Epinephrine
- Insulin
- Lidocaine
- Morphine

The method by which the patient placement specialist contacted the a physician, facility, or escalation contact.
- Office
- Cell
- Pager

The name of the organism associated with a patient's isolation type.
- Methycillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) associated with the Contact isolation type
- Tuberculosis associated with the Airborne isolation type
- Chicken Pox
- Measles
- Hepatitis A
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

The code that indicates the patient's wishes regarding efforts to resuscitate if the patient has heart or lung failure.
- Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
- Full Code

A categorization of the patient that helps to determine the level of resources that the patient needs.
- Inpatient
- Outpatient
- Observation

The health insurance carrier who takes responsibility for paying for the patient's care.
- Aetna
- Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
- UPMC Health Plan

Groupings of health insurance carriers that have some characteristics in common.
- Government

The names of physicians who can be associated with medical practice accounts in order to refer patients using the Community Access® Portal and physicians who can be associated with facilities in order to accept patients in the TransferCenterIQ™ application.
- Greene, Michael
- Martinez, Jorge

The function that a staff member or physician performs or the area of expertise that a staff member or physician has. Multiple staff members can have the same position.
Charge Nurse
Medical Director
Assessing Staff
- Caridiologist

The medical specialties that a physician practices. Service lines are sometimes called hospital services.
- Cardiology
- Oncology
- Obstetrics
- General Medicine
- Orthopedics

The areas of expertise that a physician practices within a service line.
- The Cardiology service line might include the following specialties:
- Cardio Thoracic specialty
- Interventional Cardiology specialty
- Oncology service line might include the following specialties:
- Medical Oncology
- Surgical Oncology
- Radiation Oncology
- Renal Oncology
- Pulmonary Oncology

- Smith, Alexandra
- Jones, Phillip, III

A category for labeling case notes. This flag can appear in a column on the Cases list and allows the case note to be included in reports.
- Clinical
- Escalation Action
- Covid-19

A collection of users in the transfer center who specialize in a particular kind of transfer case. Entries in the Team dictionary appear for possible selection in the Team field in the case header and in the Default Team in the User Profile page.
Behavioral Health
Acute Medical

The reason that a patient needs to be transferred from one facility to another.
- Lack of Capacity
- On-Call Specialist Not Available
- Family Request
- Patient Needs Higher Level of Care
- Psych-Involuntary
- Psych-Voluntary

The person or company who coordinates transportation for the patient. This could be a service that is internal to your health system or external to your health system (a third-party transport arrangements service). The transport arrangements service locates and schedules an available transport company that can meet the requirements selected. At least one item must be configured in this dictionary to display the Transport Arrangements field on the case's Outcomes tab. If the case's referring facility is integrated with a third-party transport arrangements service (external to the health system), the name of that service does not have to be entered in the dictionary. The service's name automatically appears in the case's Transport Arrangements list.
- Transport Agent
- Hospital Transportation Department
- Third-Party Coordination Service

The vendor that provides transportation for the patient. The dictionary's items appear in the list for the Transport Company field in the case's Outcomes tab.
- City Transport Company
- Medical Taxi Company
- East Side Delivery Company

The way that a patient is transported from one facility to another when being transferred.
The following seed dictionary items appear by default in the Transport Mode dictionary:
- Medical Sedan
- Taxi
- Wheel Chair Accessible (self transfer)
- Wheel Chair Van (with lift)
- Stretcher Van (non-medical)
- Secure Psychiatric Transport Vehicle
- BLS Ambulance
- BLS Bariatric Ambulance
- ALS Ambulance
- ALS Bariatric Ambulance
- SCT/CCT Ambulance
- Fixed-wing Ambulance
- Rotor-wing Ambulance
- Rideshare
- Privately Owned Vehicle
- Law Enforcement

The actions taken to relieve or manage a patient's symptoms, disease, or condition.
- Intubated
- Oxygen
- IV Access
- Arterial Line

Units are functional divisions of a facility that is within your health system. Each unit includes rooms and locations that are functionally related and all on one floor of a building, but not necessarily next to each other. Clusters consist of groups of units.
- East Medical 4
- Obstetrics
- Pediatric ICU
Where Are TransferCenterIQ™ Application Dictionary Items Used?
Transfer center specialists select these items from lists when creating and editing transfer cases. External care providers select these items from lists when creating and editing referrals. Service line owners select these items from lists when creating shifts.