Create Shifts

Why Create Shifts?

You can create shifts for on-call clinicians so that the shifts appear on the calendar of the Schedule page and others who have access to the Schedule page can view who is on call during a certain date and time period for specific facilities and service lines.


Who Can Create Shifts?

The administrator of your TeleTracking IQ® platform assigns people who are responsible for schedules to the role of Service Line Owner. If you have been assigned the Service Line Owner role, you can create shifts. A service line owner can create a shift for any service line. For example, if you are a service line owner for Cardiology, you can also create shifts for other service lines, such as Obstetrics.


Are There Any Restrictions?

  • You can create shifts only for:
  • Facilities that an administrator has associated with your user profile.
  • Service lines that an administrator has associated with those facilities.
  • Clinicians can be assigned to shifts only at facilities that are associated with their clinician accounts.


If You Need to Create an Individual (One-Time) Shift

To schedule a clinician for an individual (one-time) shift (for example, November 15 from 12:00 PM to 8:59 PM), follow the instructions in How to Create an Individual Shift.


If One Clinician Will Be On Call at Multiple Facilities at Once

If one clinician for a service line will be on call at multiple facilities at the same time, you can create a multi-facility shift for that clinician. You do not have to create a separate shift for each of the facilities where that clinician is on call at once. If the facilities where a clinician is on call are selected on the Schedule page, only one block appears on the calendar to show that the shift is for multiple facilities. The block represents that clinician's shift at all of the selected facilities.


If the Same Shift Will Repeat

A shift that repeats at the same time at a selected interval is a recurring shift. You can make a shift recurring without re-entering the same information. How to Create a Recurring Shift


If a Clinician Will be on Call All Day (24 Hours) for a Few Consecutive Days

Sometimes a clinician is on call all day for a few consecutive days (for example, all weekend). The All Day check box gives you the option to indicate that a clinician is on call for 24 hours each day of the shift. You can also schedule one shift that spans multiple days.


If More Than One Clinician from a Service Line is On Call at the Same Facility During a Shift

Multiple clinicians from the same service line can be on call at the same facility during the same shift. If you need to schedule multiple clinicians from a service line for the same shift at one facility, create and save a shift for each clinician.


How to Create an Individual Shift

  1. Go to On Call > Schedule to display the calendar page.


Before you select Create Shift:

  • If the calendar is in Week, Day, or Today view, you can select the row on the schedule that corresponds to the date and time that the shift should start. For example, select the row that corresponds to October 31 and 8:00 AM. Then, after you select Create Shift, the date and time appear automatically in Start Date and Start Time and End Date and End Time. If the calendar is in Month view, you can select the day. Then, after you select Create Shift, the date and 8:00 AM appear automatically in Start Date and Start Time and the date and 8:30 AM appear in End Date and End Time. If you are creating a shift for the current day and it is later than 8:00 AM, then go to the Week, Day, or Today view before creating the shift.
  • You can select multiple blocks on the calendar if you are creating individual shifts that start at different times for the same clinician and facilities.

  • If the calendar is in Week, Day, or Today view, you can select the row on the schedule that corresponds to the date and time that the shift should start, and then drag to the time that the shift should end. Then, after you select Create Shift, the selected start and end dates and times appear in Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End Time.

  1. Select Create Shift to display the Create Shift page.


If you selected a service line and facilities on the Schedule page, the selected facilities and the selected service line automatically appear in the Facilities and Service Line boxes in the Create Shift page. If you want to create a shift for different facilities or and a different service line, select them from the lists.

  1. In the Coverage Details section, select the service line, facilities, and clinician for which you are creating the shift.
  • Service Line — Select one service line for which you are creating the shift (for example, Cardiology). You can select only service lines that are associated with facilities that an administrator has associated with your user profile.
  • Facilities — One at a time, select each facility or select a facility group name where this clinician will be on call during this shift (for example, ABC Central Hospital and ABC Womens' Hospital or the group name ABC-Butler County, which includes all hospitals where the clinician will be on call). Begin to type the facility or group name to display a list, and then select the name from the list.
  • Clinician — Begin to type at least one character of the clinician's first or last name or suffix (such as MD) to display a list, and then select the name of the clinician who will be on call during the shift from the list (for example, Alex Aarans). Clinicians can be assigned to shifts only at facilities that are associated with their clinician accounts.
  1. Select the start and end dates and times for the shift:


To learn more about using the calendar tool to select start and end dates, see How to Use the Calendar Tool.

  •  Apply Shift Template (Optional) — If an administrator created a shift template (for example, a template with a shift start time of 8:00 AM and a shift end time of 8:00 PM), you can select the template to fill in quickly the Shift Starts and Shift Ends times. When you create recurring or All Day shifts or edit shifts, the option to apply a shift template is not available.
  • Shift Starts — Select the calendar icon to display the calendar tool. Then select the date on which the shift will start (for example, if the clinician will be on call starting on June 1, 2018, at 3:00 PM select June 1, 2018 from the calendar). You cannot select a date that is before the current date. If you did not select a shift template, enter a time of day when the shift starts (for example, 3:00 for 3 o'clock). Enter AM (if start time is before noon) or PM (if start time is after noon).
  • Shift Ends— Select the calendar icon to display the calendar tool. Then, select the date on which the shift ends (for example, if the shift ends June 1, 2018, at 11:59 PM select June 1, 2018 from the calendar). You cannot select a date that is before either the current date or the selected start date. For an individual shift, the start date and end date are often the same date. However, if a shift starts in the evening and ends after midnight the next day, the end date would be the next day. If you did not select a shift template, enter a time of day when the shift ends (for example, 11:59 ). Enter AM (if end time is before noon) or PM (if end time is after noon).


  • You must select times that are in the future.
  • The date must be the current date or later.
  1. To add notes about the shift, select the Add Notes link to display the Notes box, and then type the text (for example, If paging system is down, call x6490).

  1. To create another shift for the same clinician for the same service line and facility, select the Add another shift link, and then select the start and end dates and times for the additional shift.
  2. If the shift you added using the Add another shift link should repeat (recur) at a specified time daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, select the Recurs check box, and then when the Recurrence window appears, complete and save the details. For information about creating recurring shifts, see How to Create a Recurring Shift, Step 5 and later. To change the recurrence details, select the Edit link to display the Recurrence window.


  1. To remove a shift that you added with the Add another shift link, select the X in the upper-right corner of that shift. When a confirmation message appears, select Yes, Delete.

  1. Select Create Shift to return to the Schedule page.

The new shift appears on the calendar.


To Create Multiple Shifts that Start at Different Times for the Same Clinician and Facilities

  1. On the calendar, select multiple blocks of time, and then select Create Shift.

  1. When the Create Shift window appears, select the Service Line, Facilities, and Clinician as described in How to Create an Individual Shift.

  1. If all of the shifts should have the same start and end times and an administrator has created a shift template that has the start and end times, then select the template in the Apply Shift Template list.
  2. To change other details about the shifts, such as end time, recurrence, shift notes, or whether the shift is all day (24 hours), select the Edit Full Details link and then complete the information as described in How to Create an Individual Shift.
  1. Select Create Shift.


How to Create a Recurring Shift

What is a Recurring Shift?

A shift that repeats at the same time at a selected interval is a recurring shift.


  • Every day until June 30.
  • Monday through Friday until June 30.
  • Every week on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • The last Friday of every month.
  • The 10th of every month.


  • Daily — A daily recurring shift repeats either all seven days every week OR Monday through Friday every week.
  • Weekly—A weekly recurring shift repeats every week (for example, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week until the end of the month or Tuesday through Saturday every week until December 31.).
  • Monthly—A monthly recurring shift repeats on the same date of the month every month OR at certain intervals every month (such as the first Tuesday of every month).
  • Yearly—A yearly recurring shift repeats either on the same date every year OR at a certain point every year, such as the third Thursday in August.


To Create a Recurring Shift

  1. Go to On Call > Schedule to display the calendar page.
  2. Select Create Shift to display the Create Shift page.

  1. Enter the Coverage DetailsSee How to Create an Individual Shift
  2. To add notes about the shift, select the Add Notes link to display the Notes box, and then type the text (for example, If paging system is down, call x6490).
  3. Select the Recurs check box to display the Recurrence window.
  1. On the Recurrence window in Shift Time Frame, enter the following information:
  • Start Time — Enter a time of day when the shift starts (for example, 8:00 for 8 o'clock). Enter whether the shift start time is before noon (AM) or after noon (PM).
  • End Time — Enter a time of day when the shift ends (for example, 5:00 for 5 o'clock). Enter whether the shift end time is before noon (AM) or after noon (PM).
  • Duration — Type the number of hours per day that the clinician will be on call to display a list, and then select the number from the list.


If the clinician will be on call for 8 hours each day of the shift, then type 8, and then when 8 appears in the list, select it


If you change the start time later, the end time changes automatically so that the shift will have the same duration. For example, if the shift start time is 9:00 AM and the end time is 5:00 PM, and then you change the start time to 9:30 AM, the end time changes to 5:30 PM automatically so that the duration of the shift is the same as it was before.

  1. In Recurrence Details, do one of the following:
  1. In Recurrence Time Frame, do the following:
  1. In Starts, select the calendar icon to display the calendar tool, and then select the date that the recurrence starts from the calendar tool. You cannot select a date that is before the current date. See How to Use the Calendar Tool.
  2. In Ends, select the calendar icon, and then select the date that the recurrence ends from the calendar tool.


The start date from the Create Shift page appears automatically in Starts.


The shift occurs weekly on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. You can make this shift recur every week for the next three months by selecting starting and ending dates in the Recurrence Time Frame section.

  1. Select Save and Close to close the Recurrence window and save changes.
  2. Select Create Shift to return to the Schedule page.

When the facility and service line that you created the shift for are selected on the Schedule page, the new shift appears on the calendar.


How to Create an All Day (24 Hours) Shift

What is an All Day Shift?

Sometimes a clinician is on call all day for a few consecutive days (for example, all weekend). The All Day check box gives you the option to indicate that a clinician is on call for 24 hours each day of the shift. You can also schedule one shift that spans multiple days.

To Create an All Day (24-Hour) Shift

  1. Go to On Call > Schedule to display the calendar page.
  2. Select Create Shift to display the Create Shift page.
  3. Enter the Coverage Details. See How to Create an Individual Shift
  4. Select the shift start and end dates. You do not need to select start and end times because the clinician will be on call for 24 hours each day of the shift.
  • Shift Start — Select the calendar icon to display the calendar tool. Then select the date on which the shift will start (for example, if the clinician will be on call starting on Tuesday, November 21, 2017 through Wednesday, November 22, 2017, select November 21, 2017 from the calendar). You cannot select a date that is before the current date.
  • Shift End — Select the calendar icon to display the calendar tool. Then, select the date on which the shift ends (for example, if the clinician will be on call through Wednesday, November 22, 2017, select November 22, 2017 from the calendar). You cannot select a date that is before either the current date or the selected start date.
  1. Select the All Day check box.

  1. To add notes about the shift, select the Add Notes link to display the Notes box, and then type the text (for example, If paging system is down, call x6490).
  2. Select Create Shift to return to the Schedule page.


Another way to indicate that a clinician will be on call all day for consecutive days is to create a shift with a start time that is at the beginning of the first date that the clinician will be on call and an end time that is at the end of the last date that the clinician will be on call. For example, if Chris will be on call starting at 12:00 AM Tuesday, November 7 and ending at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, November 8, then select November 7 as the start date and 12:00 AM as the start time and select November 8 as the end date and 11:59 PM as the end time.
