What Information Appears on the Base Default Cases List?
Each row on the Cases list describes one transfer case. Each column describes one of the case's fields.
Base Default Cases Columns
TeleTracking supplies a selection of columns as a base default list view which is not customized to a specific access center's workflow or preferences. You can accept this base default selection of columns, or you can add and delete columns to create a default Cases list that is customized for your access center. The base default selection of columns for the Cases list includes the following:
- Case Owner – The name of the user who was signed in when the case was created. The name appears in Last name, First name Middle name, Suffix format.
- Created Date/Time – The date and time that the case was created or imported to the Cases list from the Referrals list.
- Case Type – A description of the type of case, such as Direct Admit or Emergent appears on color-coded background configured by the administrator.
- Patient Name – The patient's name in last name, first name middle name, suffix format.
- Gender – The patient's gender appears on a color-coded background. Female appears as F on a pink background. Male appears as M on a blue background. Unknown appears as U on a gray background.
- Age – The patient's age. The application automatically calculates and displays the patient's age when the date of birth is entered in the case details page.
- Diagnosis – A medical provider's identification of the patient's condition, disease, or injury from evaluating the symptoms. Multiple diagnoses appear in primary, secondary order.
- Specialty – The kind of care within the service line that is requested for the transfer patient.
- Transfer Reason – The reason that the patient needs to transfer, such as Lack of Equipment, Bed Capacity.
- Referring Facility – The name of the facility that requests to transfer one of its patients.
- Referring Physician – The physician who requests the transfer for the patient.
- Referring Unit – The unit from which the patient is transferred.
- Preferred Facility – The facility that is preferred for the patient. This may or may not be the facility where the patient actually goes. Hide for later.
- Destination Facility – The facility that actually admits the patient.
- Admitting Physician – The physician who agrees to admit the patient into the destination facility.
- Disposition – The staff decision concerning the transfer request. The request is either accepted or declined. There are several different terms used for accept or decline decisions.
- Target Unit– In the destination facility bed request, the unit that is preferred for the patient.
- Bed Request Status – The current state of the patient's bed request, such as Requested, Assigned, Completed, Cancelled. The bed request status appears on the following color-coded backgrounds:
- Red background is Requested (Active)
Gray background is Requested (Inactive)
Green background is Assigned
Cancelled background is No color
Completed background is No color
- Assigned Bed – The identifier of the bed assigned to the patient appears on a color-coded background that signifies the state of the bed such as, Blocked, Clean, Clean Next, Delayed, Dirty, In Progress, Occupied, Stat, Suspended, Udef8, Udef9, Clean Spill.
- Issues – An icon indicates that a note for the case has been marked as an issue.
Columns that You Can Add to the Base Default Cases List
You can add any of the following columns to the base default Cases list, and they will appear for each case after the default columns. See Add or Remove List Columns.
- Age/Gender – The patient's age and gender are combined into one column. The patient’s age appears on a color-coded round background that is pink for female, blue for male, and gray for unknown gender.
- Alerts – Serious medical conditions that could influence the patient's treatment. Multiple medical alerts are separated by commas.
- Allergies – Substances that cause the patient to have an allergic reaction. Multiple allergies are separated by commas.
- Arrival Date/Time – The date and time that the patient actually arrived at the destination facility.
- Auto Acceptance – The patient can be automatically accepted at the destination facility without contacting a physician.
- Bed Req. Activated – The date and time that the Activate this bed request box was selected.
- Bed Req. Status Updated – The date and time that the currently displayed bed request status was set.
- Bed Status – The name of the bed's status, such as "Clean."
- Caller 1 Name – The name of an employee in the referring facility who contacted the health system to request a patient transfer.
- Caller 1 Phone – The phone number of an employee in the referring facility who contacted the health system to request a patient transfer. The extension appears if appropriate.
- Caller 2 Name – The name of an employee in the referring facility who contacted the health system to request a patient transfer.
- Caller 2 Phone – The phone number of an employee in the referring facility who contacted the health system to request a patient transfer. The extension appears if appropriate.
- Case ID – The unique identifier that has been assigned to the case.
- Case Needs Review – The text Needs Review appears in the column if the case needs to be reviewed.
- Case Source – The application that created the transfer case. Options are: CAP (Community Access® Portal) or TC (TransferCenterIQ™ application on the TeleTracking IQ® platform).
- DOB – The date that the patient was born.
- Dispatch Date/Time – The date and time that the transportation is sent to the referring facility to pick up the patient.
- Disposition Reason – The reason that the patient was accepted or declined for admission.
- Documents – A check mark indicates there are documents attached to the case.
- Esc. Comm. Delay - An icon (
) appears if the facility staff member with the escalation role has not returned the patient placement specialist's call within the time configured by the administrator.
- ETA – The estimated date and time that the patient is expected to arrive at the destination facility.
- Infection Prevention – The answer to the question: "Has the patient (or someone they have been in contact with) travelled outside of the U.S. within the last 21 days?" This field only appears for users in the U.S. A gray check appears for "Yes." Double dashes (--) appear for "No."
- Facility Comm. Delay - An icon (
) appears if the facility has not returned the patient placement specialist's call within the time configured by the administrator.
- ISO Type – The name of a kind of isolation, such as Contact or Airborne. Multiple isolation types are separated by commas.
- Infection Prevention – The answer to the question: "Has the patient (or someone they have been in contact with) travelled outside of the U.S. within the last 21 days?" This field only appears for users in the U.S. A check appears for "Yes." Double dashes (--) appear for "No."
- Level of Care – The degree of care that the patient requires, such as Critical, Acute, Intermediate.
- MRN – The medical record number associated with the patient.
- Note Tags – The groupings that can be applied to notes in the case's Case Log.
- OFC – The Occipital Frontal Circumference is a measurement of the head circumference of newborn patients.
- Organism – The name of an organism for the isolation type, such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) for Contact isolation type and Hepatitus A, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Chicken Pox, Measles, Tuberculosis for Airborne isolation type.
- PCP – Primary Care Physician. The physician who is responsible for managing the overall care of the patient and communicating with the specialist or specialists as needed.
- PCP Phone – Primary Care Physician Phone. The phone number for the physician who is responsible for managing the overall care of the patient and communicating with the specialist or specialists as needed. The extension is included if it is entered in the Physician dictionary.
- Patient Code Status – The procedures that can be performed on a patient if the heart stops or the lungs fail, such as Do Not Resuscitate (DNR), Full Code.
- Patient Directed To – The instructions given to transport staff as to where to bring the patient. For example, “Ambulance service instructed to bring the patient to the OR.”
- Patient Height – The patient’s height.
- Patient Home Address – The patient's home address.
- Patient Type – The type of patient, such as Inpatient, Outpatient, Observation.
- Patient Weight (lbs/kgs) – The patient’s weight in the pounds followed by the weight in kilograms.
- Payor (Only applies to US health systems.)– The name of the health insurance carriers that have responsibility to pay for the patient's care. Multiple payors are separated by commas.
- Phys. Comm. Delay - An icon (
) appears if the physician has not returned the patient placement specialist's call within the time configured by the administrator.
- Procedure – The medical that the referring facility requests for the patient, such as Blood Transfusion, Biopsy, Appendectomy.
- Protocol – The name of the standard procedure that has been shown to be repeatedly effective for the treatment of the patient's medical condition.
- Redirect Reason – The redirect reason for the preferred facility. If no preferred facility is documented, this column will remain blank.
- Referring Bed # – The identifier for the patient's bed in the facility requesting the transfer.
- Referring Facility Notified Time – The date and time of day that the patient placement specialist communicated the patient's disposition to the referring facility.
- Referring Facility Staff Notified – The name of the staff member at the referring facility who received the communication about the patient's disposition.
- Referring Physician Phone – The phone number for the physician who requests the transfer for the patient. The extension is included if it is entered in the Physician dictionary.
- Referring Service Offered – An indication that the facility requesting to transfer its patient provides the requested service line and service.
- Return Agreement – An indication that the patient will return to the referring facility after treatment.
- SSN – The identifier that is associated with the patient.
- Symptoms Timer – The time that has elapsed from the date and time that the symptoms began.
- Team – The name of the collection of users in the transfer center who specialize in a specific kind of transfer case.
- Transport Arrangements – The person or company who coordinates transportation for the patient. This could be a service that is internal to your health system or external to your health system (a third-party transport arrangements service). The transport arrangements service locates and schedules an available transport company that can meet the requirements selected.
- Transport Company – The vendor that provides transportation for the patient.
- Transport Mode – The means of transportation that brings the patient from the referring to the destination facility, such as Medical Sedan, BLS Ambulance, Wheel Chair Van.
- Transport Request Status – The current status of the transport request, such as Ready for Submission, Submitted, In Progress, Completed, or Cancelled.
- Treatment – Actions taken to relieve or manage the patient's symptoms, disease, or condition. Multiple treatments are separated by commas.
- Visit Number – The identifying number for the patient's visit to the destination facility.