View Shift Details

Why View Shift Details?

View shift details when you need to know:

  • The name of the clinician who is on call for the shift
  • The service line and facilities with which the shift is associated (for example, Cardiology at ABC Central Hospital).
  • Dates that the shift starts and ends (for example June 1 through June 30).
  • Start and end times of the shift (for example, 12:00 PM to 8:59 PM).
  • If the shift is all day (12:00 AM to 12:00 AM).
  • If the same shift is repeated (is recurring), at what interval it is repeated, how often it is repeated, and on which date the recurrence stops (for example, every week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until June 30 or every day until August 13).


Who Can View Shift Details?

The administrator of your TeleTracking IQ® platform assigns people who are responsible for schedules to the role of Service Line Owner and assigns people who need to view schedules to the role of Schedule Viewer.

  • Service Line Owner— If you have been assigned the role of Service Line Owner, then an administrator associated at least one facility with your user profile. You can view details for shifts at any facility that is associated with your user profile. While you are viewing shift details, you have the option to edit or delete the shift.
  • Schedule Viewer — If you have been assigned the role of Schedule Viewer, then an administrator associated at least one facility with your user profile. You can view details for shifts at any facility that is associated with your user profile. You do not have the option to edit or delete shifts.


Are There Any Restrictions?

You can only view shifts for:

  • Facilities that an administrator has associated with your user profile.
  • Service lines that an administrator has associated with those facilities.


Can Shifts Be Changed or Deleted?


For information on when shifts can be changed or edited and what can be changed, see Edit Shifts


For information on when shifts can be deleted, see Delete Shifts


How to View Shift Details

  1. Go to On Call > Schedule to display the Schedule page.
  2. Select a service line the Service Lines list at the top of the page.
  1. Select one or more facilities from the Facilities list. Begin to type a facility name , and then when the name appears in the list, select it.


  • The facility names are listed under the name of their parent group in the health system structure. The administrator configures these groups in the Enterprise page.
  • Only the facilities that are associated with the service line that you chose and that are associated with your user profile are available to select.
  • Administrators can put facilities in groups. You can select the name of a group of facilities. Selecting the group places all facilities in the group that are associated with your user profile and with the select service line in the Facilities box.


  1. Select the shift.

The View Shift page appears.
