Release Notes
Data Points Changing to Federally Inactive
Starting on November 2, 2022, the following data points have been made inactive for the federal data collection. Hospitals no longer need to report these data elements to the federal government through the portal.
Note: State, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) partners may have reporting requirements related to or independent of the federal reporting requirements. Facilities are encouraged to work with relevant (SLTT) partners to ensure complete reporting for all partners.
39a. Current inventory on hand (in courses) (Casirivimab / Imdevimab)
39b. Courses administered in the last week (Casirivimab / Imdevimab)
40a. Current Inventory on hand (in courses) (Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab)
40b. Courses administered in the last week (Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab)
40c. Therapeutic D courses on hand (Sotrovimab)
40d. Therapeutic D Courses administered in the last week (Sotrovimab)
As a reminder, these legacy therapeutics fields will be visible in the Healthcare Provider Ordering Portal (HPOP).
Beginning September 30, 2022, users can enter data for up to 30 days in the past.
Data Points Changing to Federally Inactive
Starting on August 24, 2022, the following data points have been made inactive for the federal data collection. Hospitals no longer need to report these data elements to the federal government:
Note: State, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) partners may have reporting requirements related to or independent of the federal reporting requirements. Facilities are encouraged to work with relevant (SLTT) partners to ensure complete reporting for all partners.
41 – Previous week's COVID-19 vaccination doses administered to healthcare personnel by your facility (Regardless of series or single-dose vaccine)
42 – Current healthcare personnel who have not yet received any COVID-19 vaccination doses
43 – Current healthcare personnel who have received one in a series of COVID-19 vaccination doses
44 – Current healthcare personnel who have received a completed series of a COVID-19 vaccination or a single-dose vaccination
45 – Total number of current healthcare personnel
46 – Previous week's number of patients and other non-healthcare personnel who received the first dose in a multi-series of COVID-19 vaccination doses
47 – Previous week's number of patients who received the final dose in a series of COVID-19 vaccination doses or the single-dose vaccine by your facility.
As a reminder, vaccination questions remain required for reporting into the CDC National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) per CMS rule CMS-1752-F and CMS-1762-F.
- Psychiatric/rehabilitation hospitals will now be required to report only once on an annual basis which will go from October to October. Additional details are available in Appendix D of the guidance.
- Therapeutic reporting for Casirivimab/Imdevimab (therapeutic A), Bamlanivimab/Etsevimab (therapeutic C), and sotrovimab (therapeutic D) will be moved to the Healthcare Provider Ordering Portal (HPOP) on November 2, 2022.
File Upload Results
Beginning August 24, 2022, whether you make your submission through uploading a CSV file or by sending it to our API endpoint, you will receive one of the following emails once the file is processed:
File Upload Results: Processed Successfully
Receiving this email means each record in the submitted file passed validation and did not trigger a warning.
Your next step is to review the preliminary compliance calculations in the portal.
File Upload Results: Processed with Errors
Receiving this email means that one or more records in the submitted file did not pass validation. All of the records that did pass validation were received and processed. The attached file contains the records which failed.
For example, if the submitted value for ICU beds is 102 and the submitted value for all hospital inpatient beds is 13, this would not pass validation because all hospital inpatient beds should be greater than or equal to ICU beds.
Multiple columns were hidden to reduce the width of the screenshot.
Your next step is to review the rejected records, resolve the errors, and upload the corrected data.
File Upload Results: Processed with Warnings
Receiving this email means that one or more records in the submitted file were identified as potentially containing incorrect data. Data that deviate significantly from the 7-day average or include zeros may be flagged for additional review.
For example, if the 7-day average for all hospital inpatient beds is 360 and the submitted value is 720, the record would be flagged for additional review to ensure high-quality data.
Multiple columns were hidden to reduce the width of the screenshot.
Your next step is to review the attached file for more information. If the data is accurate, no action is necessary as all records were saved successfully. If the data is not accurate, please upload the corrected file.
File Upload Results: Processed with Errors and Warnings
Receiving this email means that one or more records in the submitted file did not pass validation. All of the records that did pass validation were received and processed, but the attached file contains the records which failed (see "File Upload Results: Processed with Errors").
Your next step is to review the rejected records, resolve the errors, and upload the corrected data.
In addition, one or more records in the submitted file were identified as potentially containing incorrect data. Data that deviate significantly from the 7-day average or include zeros may be flagged for additional review (see "File Upload Results: Processed with Warnings").
Your next step is to review the attached file for more information. If the data is accurate, no action is necessary as all records without errors were successfully saved. If the data is not accurate, please upload the corrected file.
Ensuring High-Quality Data
A new feature was introduced to highlight potential errors in your daily submission. For select fields, the portal will compare your entry to the average of your last seven submissions then highlight any significant changes. For other fields, the portal will highlight zero values that may be incorrect.
If your data are correct, please ignore the warning message. If incorrect, please take the opportunity to update the data before submitting.
Warnings have been introduced on the following fields:
3a. All hospital inpatient beds
9b. Hospitalized adult laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients
10b. Hospitalized pediatric laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients
17a. Previous day's adult admissions with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19
18a. Previous day’s pediatric admissions with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19
In addition, for most hospitals, if a value of 0 is entered for the following fields, a warning will appear:
3a. All hospital inpatient beds
4a. All hospital inpatient bed occupancy
4b. Adult hospital inpatient bed occupancy
19. Previous day’s Emergency Department (ED) Visits
Note: These warnings will not prevent submission and are solely to assist users in entering the correct value for the field.
Previous Releases
Select the dates below to expand the details about the previous releases.

TeleTracking has expanded its support offering with the introduction of a new artificial-intelligence (AI) chatbot accessible directly from the Portal. TeleBot allows you to search for articles and content on your own, chat with a robot for commonly asked questions, and/or chat with a Client Support Engineer for more complex, involved inquiries.
For more information see the following:
A short 2½-minute video here

All Your Facilities Compliance View
Users with multiple facilities are now able to filter the All Your Facilities Compliance View by facility type. In the new Facility Type field in the top right, users can select Hospital or Therapeutics. To see the unfiltered list, users can accept the default option of All.
Click here for more information about the All Your Facilities Compliance View.

Download History
All entries submitted prior to December 1, 2021 have been archived in order to align with the Data Upload Template. These archived entries will not be included in the Download History. In order to retrieve all entries, including those that have been archived, users can select another option from the Download History dialog box.

Starting on February 2, 2022, the following data points will be Required Daily.
33 – Total hospitalized patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection
34 – Previous day’s admissions with laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection
35 – Total hospitalized ICU patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection
3c – All inpatient pediatric beds
4c – Pediatric inpatient bed occupancy
5c – Pediatric ICU beds
6c – Pediatric ICU bed occupancy
12c – Hospitalized ICU pediatric laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients
18c – Previous day’s pediatric admissions with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 breakdown by age group:
Beginning February 3, 2022, users can enter data for up to 14 days in the past.

Starting on January 19, 2022, the following data points are now required weekly:
40c – Therapeutic D courses on hand
40d – Therapeutic D courses administered in last week

Beginning today, January 14th, 2022, users can enter data for up to 12 days in the past, in order to account for the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday on January 17th, 2022.
On Friday, January 28th, 2022, the historical reporting range will return to 10 days.

Data Points Changing to Federally Inactive
Starting on January 10, 2022, the following data points have been made inactive for the federal data collection. Hospitals no longer need to report these data elements to the federal government:
Note: State, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) partners may have reporting requirements related to or independent of the federal reporting requirements. Facilities are encouraged to work with relevant (SLTT) partners to ensure complete reporting for all partners.
2a – All hospital beds
2b – All adult hospital beds
7 – Total mechanical ventilators
8 – Mechanical ventilators in use
14 – ED/overflow
15 – ED/overflow and ventilated
16 – Previous day’s COVID-19 Deaths
21 – Previous day’s Remdesivir Used
22 – Current inventory of Remdesivir
23 – Critical Staffing shortage today (Y/N)
25 – Staffing shortage details (Optional)
26 – Are your PPE supply items managed (purchased, allocated, and/or stored) at the facility level or, if you are part of a health system, at the health system level (or other multiple facility group)?
27a – Ventilator supplies
28a – N95 respirators
28b – Other respirators such as PAPRs or elastomerics
28c – Surgical and procedure masks
28d – Eye protection including face shields and goggles
28e – Single-use gowns
28f – Launderable gowns
28g – Exam gloves (single)
29a – Ventilator supplies (any supplies excluding medications)
29b – Ventilator medications
29c – N95 respirators
29d – Other respirators such as PAPRs or elastomerics
29e – Surgical and procedure masks
29f – Eye protection including face shields and goggles
29g – Single-use gowns
29h – Exam gloves
29i – Are you able to maintain a supply of launderable gowns?
30a – Ventilator supplies (any supplies excluding medications)
30b – Ventilator medications
30d – Other respirators such as PAPRs or elastomerics
30i – Laboratory – nasal pharyngeal swabs
30j – Laboratory – nasal swabs
30k – Laboratory – viral transport media
31a – Reusable/launderable isolation gowns
31b – PAPRs or elastomerics
31c – N95 respirators
32 – If there are any critical issues, such as supply, staffing, capacity, or other issues about which you would like to receive direct contact, please explain here. (Optional)
36 – Total hospitalized patients co-infected with BOTH laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 AND laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection
37 – Previous day’s influenza deaths (laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection)
38 – Previous day’s deaths for patients co-infected with both COVID-19 AND laboratory-confirmed influenza virus
39c – Therapeutic B courses on hand
39d – Therapeutic B courses administered in last week
New Data Points
Starting on January 10, 2022, the following data points have been added as optional. They will become Required Weekly on January 19, 2022.
Sotrovimab (Therapeutic D)
40c – Current inventory on hand (in courses)
40d – Courses used in the last week
Starting on January 10, 2022, the following data points have been added as optional. They will become Required Daily on February 2, 2022.
3c – All inpatient pediatric beds
4c – Pediatric inpatient bed occupancy
5c – Pediatric ICU beds
6c – Pediatric ICU bed occupancy
12c – Hospitalized ICU pediatric laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients
18c – Previous day’s pediatric admissions with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 breakdown by age group:
The data validation rules for the pediatric fields may be revisited as additional needs are identified.
New Required Data Points
Starting on February 2, 2022, the following data points will be Required Daily.
33 – Total hospitalized patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection
34 – Previous day’s admissions with laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection
35 – Total hospitalized ICU patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection

All Your Facilities Compliance View
The All Your Facilities Compliance View is now available for users who have any number of facilities. Please note that if you have many facilities, it may take some time to load all of the data.
Click here for more information about the All Your Facilities Compliance View.

Data Points Changing to Optional
The following Therapeutics data points are now optional:
39c – Therapeutic B, Bamlanivimab. Current Inventory on hand (in courses).
39d – Therapeutic B, Bamlanivimab. Courses used in the last week.
The following Influenza data points are now optional:
33 – Total hospitalized patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection.
34 – Previous day’s influenza admissions (laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection).
35 – Total hospitalized ICU patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection.
36 – Total hospitalized patients co-infected with BOTH laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 AND laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection.
37 – Previous day’s influenza deaths (laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection).
38 – Previous day’s deaths for patients co-infected with both COVID-19 AND laboratory-confirmed influenza virus.
Submission of data for these fields will no longer be included in the evaluation of compliance.
Increased Data Point Maximums
The maximum values for PPE data points 28a, 28c, 28d have been increased from 9,999,999 to 50,000,000.
PPE | 28a. N95 Respirators |
Column Header: on_hand_ supply_of_ n95_ respirators_ in_units
Acceptable Values: 0 - 50000000 |
The total N95 masks count. |
Max value: 50000000
28c. Surgical and procedure masks |
Column Header: on_hand_ supply_of_ surgical_ masks_in_ units
Acceptable Values: 0 - 50000000 |
Total surgical masks count. |
Max value: 50000000 |
28d. Eye protection including face shields and goggles |
Column Header: on_hand_ supply_of_ eye_ protection_in_units
Acceptable Values: 0 - 50000000 |
Total face shields available. |
Max value: 50000000 |
Click here for a complete list of data sources and their descriptions.
All Your Facilities Compliance View
The All Your Facilities Compliance View is now available for users who have between two and 175 facilities. In the future, this feature will be expanded to users who have access to more than 175 facilities.
Click here for more information about the All Your Facilities Compliance View.

Default Value for Bamlanivimab Courses Used in Last Week
Going forward, data point 39d Courses used in last week in the Therapeutics > Bamlanivimab (Therapeutic B) section, now defaults to zero instead of the latest non-null (non-blank) submission for this data point. Non-zero values for data point 39d uploaded to a New Entry through the "Upload Data File" function will default to zero.
Click here for a complete list of data sources and their descriptions.
Date Range Filter in Compliance View
If users select a range of dates on the All Your Facilities Compliance View, navigate to a different page of the COVID-19 Portal, and then go back to the Compliance View, the portal retains the Date Range selection.
Click here for more information about the All Your Facilities Compliance View.

Reporting Bamlanivimab Courses Used in Last Week
Data point 39d Courses used in last week in the Therapeutics > Bamlanivimab (Therapeutic B) section, now includes a note explaining Bamlanivimab is no longer authorized for use without accompanying Etesevimab. The values in field 39d should be 0. Any doses of Bamlanivimab used with accompanying Etesevimab should be reported in field 40b.
Click here for a complete list of data sources and their descriptions.

New PPE Maximum
The maximum values for the On Hand Supply of Gloves In Units (data point 28g) has been increased from 999999 to 50000000.
Section | Data Point | Data Upload Template | Data Description | Validation Rules |
28g. Exam gloves (single) |
Column Header: on_hand_ supply_of_ gloves_in_ units
Acceptable Values: 0 - 50000000 |
Total gloves available. |
Max value: 50000000 |
Click here for a complete list of data sources and their descriptions.

All Your Facilities Compliance View
If you have access to between two and thirty facilities, a new Compliance view allows you to see the combined daily compliance of all your facilities at once. Go to the new view by selecting Change Facility View and then the All Your Facilities option in the Select Facility View dialog box. Cards appear with the total compliance for all your facilities for each day in your selected date range. In the Facilities table, a row appears for one day’s compliance for one facility. If you select a range of multiple dates, multiple rows appear for one facility, each one corresponding to one day's compliance.
In the future, this feature will be expanded to users who have access to more than thirty facilities.
Click here for more information about the All Your Facilities Compliance View.

New Therapeutics B and C Maximums
Therapeutics B and C data points (39c, 39d, 40a, and 40b) have new maximum values. Users will not be able to enter values higher than the maximums.
Section | Data Point | Data Upload Template | Data Description | Validation Rules |
Therapeutics |
39c. Current Inventory on hand (in courses) |
Column Header: on_hand_supply_ Therapeutic_B_courses
Acceptable Values: 0 - 10,000 |
Enter the number of therapeutic B courses currently in inventory. This field has been designated as Bamlanivimab and is mandatory as of 1/8/2021. Do NOT count Bamlanivimab vials/courses here that are part of the combination Bamlanivimab / Etesevimab product. |
Max value: 10,000 |
Therapeutics |
39d. Courses administered in the last week |
Column Header: previous_week_ Therapeutic_B_courses_used
Acceptable Values: 0 - 5,000 |
Enter the number of therapeutic B courses used in the previous calendar week in an inpatient, ED, overflow, or outpatient location, such as an urgent care, infusion center, or outpatient clinic. This field has been designated as Bamlanivimab and is mandatory as of 1/8/2021. Do NOT enter Bamlanivimab vials/courses here that are part of the combination Bamlanivimab / Etesevimab product. |
Max value: 5,000 |
Therapeutics |
40a. Current Inventory on hand (in courses) |
Column Header: on_hand_supply_ Therapeutic_C_courses
Acceptable Values: 0 - 10,000 |
Enter the number of therapeutic C courses currently in inventory. This field has been designated as Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab and is mandatory as of 4/07/2021. |
Max value: 10,000 |
Therapeutics |
40b. Courses administered in the last week |
Column Header: previous_week_ Therapeutic_C_courses_used
Acceptable Values: 0 - 5,000 |
Enter the number of therapeutic C courses used in the previous calendar week in an inpatient, ED, overflow, or outpatient clinic. This field has been designated as Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab and is mandatory as of 4/07/2021. |
Max value: 5,000 |
Click here for a complete list of data sources and their descriptions.

Submission History API
The new Submission History API returns all historical submission data for a specific facility in json format. This allows customers to retrieve their submission history in an automated fashion without needing to log into the COVID-19 portal. Users need to schedule a call with Teletracking in order to get their organization configured to make use of this feature.
File Status API
The new File Status API returns processing details around file submissions associated with the API key. This allows customers to obtain detail around their automated submissions, such as whether Teletracking received the expected file, record level validation errors, etc. This API will be enabled by default for all organizations currently using the File Submission API.

New Therapeutics A and B Maximums
Therapeutics A and B data points (39a, 39b, 39c, and 39d) have new maximum values. Users will not be able to enter values higher than the maximums.
Section | Data Point | Data Upload Template | Data Description | Validation Rules |
Therapeutics |
39a. Current inventory on hand (in courses) |
Column Header: on_hand_supply_ Therapeutic_A_courses
Acceptable Values: 0 - 10,000 |
Enter the number of therapeutic A courses currently in inventory. This field has been designated as Casirivimab / Indevimab and is mandatory as of 1/8/2021. |
Max value: 10,000 |
Therapeutics |
39b. Courses administered in the last week |
Column Header: previous_week_ Therapeutic_A_courses_used
Acceptable Values: 0 - 5,000 |
Enter the number of therapeutic A courses used in the previous calendar week in an inpatient, ED, overflow, or outpatient location, such as an urgent care, infusion center, or outpatient clinic. This field has been designated as Casirivimab / Indevimab and is mandatory as of 1/8/2021. |
Max value: 5,000 |
Therapeutics |
39c. Current Inventory on hand (in courses) |
Column Header: on_hand_supply_ Therapeutic_B_courses
Acceptable Values: 0 - 20,000 |
Enter the number of therapeutic B courses currently in inventory. This field has been designated as Bamlanivimab and is mandatory as of 1/8/2021. Do NOT count Bamlanivimab vials/courses here that are part of the combination Bamlanivimab / Etesevimab product. |
Max value: 20,000 |
Therapeutics |
39d. Courses administered in the last week |
Column Header: previous_week_ Therapeutic_B_courses_used
Acceptable Values: 0 - 10,000 |
Enter the number of therapeutic B courses used in the previous calendar week in an inpatient, ED, overflow, or outpatient location, such as an urgent care, infusion center, or outpatient clinic. This field has been designated as Bamlanivimab and is mandatory as of 1/8/2021. Do NOT enter Bamlanivimab vials/courses here that are part of the combination Bamlanivimab / Etesevimab product. |
Max value: 10,000 |
Therapeutics C Required Weekly
Starting on April 7, 2021, the Therapeutics C data points of the Data Entry form (40a and 40b) change from optional to required weekly on Wednesdays.

New Therapeutics Data Points
Starting on March 23, 2021, the Therapeutics section of the Data Entry form displays two new optional data points. These values will become required on April 07, 2021.
Section | Data Point | Data Upload Template | Data Description | Validation Rules |
Therapeutics |
40a. Current Inventory on hand (in courses) |
Column Header: on_hand_supply_ Therapeutic_C_courses
Acceptable Values: 0 - 999999 |
Enter the number of therapeutic C courses currently in inventory. This field has been designated as Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab and is mandatory on 4/07/2021. |
Max value: 999999 |
Therapeutics |
40b. Courses used in the last week |
Column Header: previous_week_ Therapeutic_C_courses_used
Acceptable Values: 0 - 999999 |
Enter the number of therapeutic C courses used in the previous calendar week in an inpatient, ED, overflow, or outpatient clinic. This field has been designated as Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab and is mandatory on 4/07/2021. |
Max value: 999999 |
Click here for a complete list of data sources and their descriptions.

Edit First and Last Name
Users now have the ability to edit their first and last names as they appear in the Portal. Once an edit has been made and saved, the new name will be reflected in the Portal and any future emails from that point forward.
To edit your first and last name:
- From the Teams tab, open the Actions dropdown.
- Click Edit First/Last Name.
- Enter a new first and/or last name into the fields and click Save.

New Max Limits for Data Points
New max limits have been placed on certain data points to ensure that accurate values are entered into the Portal.
Data Point | Previous Max Limit | New Max Limit |
2A. All hospital beds | 9999 | 7500 |
2B. All adult hospital beds | 9999 | 7500 |
3A. All hospital inpatient beds |
9999 |
6000 |
3B. Adult hospital inpatient beds | 9999 | 6000 |
4A. All hospital inpatient bed occupancy |
9999 |
6000 |
4B. Adult hospital inpatient bed occupancy | 9999 | 5000 |
5A. ICU beds | 9999 | 1500 |
5B. Adult ICU beds | 9999 | 1500 |
6A. ICU bed occupancy |
9999 |
1500 |
6B. Adult ICU bed occupancy |
9999 |
1500 |
7. Total mechanical ventilators | 9999 | 2000 |
8. Mechanical ventilators in use | 9999 | 800 |
9A. Total hospitalized adult suspected or confirmed positive COVID patients | 9999 | 1000 |
9B. Hospitalized adult confirmed positive COVID patients | 9999 | 6000 |
10A. Total hospitalized pediatric suspected or confirmed positive COVID patients | 9999 | 200 |
10B. Hospitalized pediatric confirmed-positive COVID patients | 9999 | 100 |
11. Hospitalized and ventilated COVID patients |
9999 |
1500 |
12A. Total ICU adult suspected or confirmed positive COVID patients |
9999 |
1500 |
12B. Hospitalized ICU adult confirmed positive COVID patients | 9999 | 1500 |
13. Hospital onset | 9999 | 1000 |
14. ED/overflow | 9999 | 1000 |
15. ED/overflow and ventilated | 9999 | 200 |
16. Previous day's COVID-19 deaths | 9999 | 1000 |
17A. Total Adult |
9999 |
1000 |
17A. Total Adult (18 - 19) | 9999 | 100 |
17A. Total Adult (20 - 29) | 9999 | 100 |
17A. Total Adult (30 - 39) | 9999 | 100 |
17A. Total Adult (40 - 49) | 9999 | 100 |
17A. Total Adult (50 - 59) | 9999 | 100 |
17A. Total Adult (60 - 69) | 9999 | 100 |
17A. Total Adult (70 - 79) | 9999 | 200 |
17A. Total Adult (80+) | 9999 | 100 |
17B. Total Adult |
9999 |
2000 |
17B. Total Adult (18 - 19) | 9999 | 100 |
17B. Total Adult (20 - 29) | 9999 | 200 |
17B. Total Adult (30 - 39) | 9999 | 200 |
17B. Total Adult (40 - 49) | 9999 | 300 |
17B. Total Adult (50 - 59) | 9999 | 300 |
17B. Total Adult (60 - 69) | 9999 | 300 |
17B. Total Adult (70 - 79) | 9999 | 200 |
17B. Total Adult (80+) | 9999 | 400 |
18A. Previous day's pediatric admissions with confirmed COVID-19 | 9999 | 100 |
19. Previous day's total ED visits | 9999 | 3000 |
20. Previous day's total COVID-19 related ED visits | 9999 | 1000 |
21. Previous day's Remdesivir used | 99999 | 3000 |
22. Current Inventory of Remdesivir | 999999 | 25000 |
33. Total hospitalized patients with laboratory-confirmed positive influenza patients | 9999 | 200 |
34. Previous day's influenza admissions | 9999 | 100 |
35. Total ICU patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza | 9999 | 100 |
36. Total hospitalized patients with both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and influenza | 9999 | 200 |
37. Previous day's influenza deaths | 9999 | 100 |
38. Previous day's deaths with both COVID-19 and influenza | 9999 | 100 |
Click here for a complete list of data points and their max values.
Web Form Historical Reporting Update
Users can now use the date selection dropdown in the New Entry web form to enter data as far back as ten days instead of seven.

Vaccination Data Points
A Vaccinations section has been added to the New Entry form that includes seven new data points for personnel and patient vaccinations. Users are asked to report on these data points once a week on Wednesdays, however they are currently not required and do not affect compliance.
Use the table below for a complete set of details on the new Vaccination data points:
Section | Data Point | Data Upload Template | Data Description |
Vaccinations |
41. Previous Week’s COVID-19 vaccination doses administered to healthcare personnel (Regardless of Series) |
Column Header: previous_week_ personnel_covid_vaccinated_doses_ administered
Acceptable Values: 0 - 999999 |
For the previous week, enter the number of COVID-19 vaccination doses administered in the previous week. Enter the count of doses administered regardless of whether it is a first or second dose in a series.
For the first week of reporting, include all doses given up to that date. |
Vaccinations |
42. Current healthcare personnel who have not yet received any COVID-19 vaccination doses |
Column Header: total_personnel_ covid_vaccinated_ doses_none
Acceptable Values: 0 - 999999 |
Enter the number of healthcare personnel who have not yet received a single vaccine dose. |
Vaccinations |
43. Current healthcare personnel who have received one in a series of COVID-19 vaccination doses |
Column Header: total_personnel_ covid_vaccinated_ doses_one
Acceptable Values: 0 - 999999 |
Enter the current total number of healthcare personnel who have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination that is administered in a multi-dose series. This field is meant to represent those who have begun but not completed the vaccination process. Do not include those who received a single-dose vaccine in this field. |
Vaccinations |
44. Current healthcare personnel who have received a completed series of COVID-19 vaccination doses |
Column Header: total_personnel_ covid_vaccinated_ doses_all
Acceptable Values: 0 - 999999 |
Enter the current total number of healthcare personnel who have received a complete series of a COVID-19 vaccination. Include those who have received all doses in a multi-dose series as well as those who received a single-dose vaccine. |
Vaccinations |
45. Total number of current healthcare personnel |
Column Header: total_personnel
Acceptable Values: 0 - 999999 |
Enter the current total number of healthcare personnel for the facility. Healthcare personnel include all paid and unpaid persons serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials. |
Vaccinations |
46. Previous week's number of patients administered the 1st dose in a COVID-19 vaccination series |
Column Header: previous_week_ patients_covid_ vaccinated_doses_ one
Acceptable Values: 0 - 999999 |
For the previous week, enter the number of patients who received the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine that is administered in a multi-dose series. For the first week of reporting, include all doses given up to that date. |
Vaccinations |
47. Previous week's number of patients administered the dose that completes the series of a COVID-19 vaccination |
Column Header: previous_week_ patients_covid_ vaccinated_doses_ all
Acceptable Values: 0 - 999999 |
For the previous week, enter the number of patients who received the final dose in a COVID-19 vaccination series. |

Therapeutics Data Points
Starting January 8th, 2021 users will be required to report on the following Therapeutics data points every Wednesday:
39a. Current inventory on hand (in courses)
39b. Courses used in the last week
39c. Current Inventory on hand (in courses)
39d. Courses used in the last week
Click here for a complete list of data point descriptions and validation rules.

Staff Data Points
Data points 23. Critical staffing shortage today and 24. Critical staffing shortage anticipated within a week are now set to No by default in the New Entry form. This update has been deployed to prevent unintentional reports of staffing shortages.

New Therapeutics Data Points
The Remedesivir section of the New Entry form has been renamed Therapeutics and now contains four new data points. Use the table below to learn more about each data point.
Section | Data Point | Data Description |
Therapeutics |
39a. Current inventory on hand (in courses) |
Enter the number of therapeutic A courses currently in inventory. This field has been designated as Casirivimab / Indevimab and will be mandatory on 1/8/2021. |
Therapeutics |
39b. Courses used in the last week |
Enter the number of therapeutic A courses used in the previous calendar week in an inpatient, ED, and/or overflow location. This field has been designated as Casirivimab / Indevimab and will be mandatory on 1/8/2021. |
Therapeutics |
39c. Current Inventory on hand (in courses) |
Enter the number of therapeutic B courses currently in inventory. This field has been designated as Bamlanivimab and will be mandatory on 1/8/2021. |
Therapeutics |
39d. Courses used in the last week |
Enter the number of therapeutic B courses used in the previous calendar week in an inpatient, ED, and/or overflow location. This field has been designated as Bamlanivimab and will be mandatory on 1/8/2021. |
Fields 39a - 39d will be made mandatory starting January 8, 2021.
Click here for a complete list of data sources and their descriptions.
Compliance View Update
The Daily Compliance view (located on the Capacity & Utilization tab) has been expanded to allow users to see whether or not they were compliant over the past fourteen days (including the present day).
This update also gives users the ability to edit the web form for any date that they were not compliant by clicking Edit on the corresponding date card. The web form will contain notations to point out the data fields missing in order to meet compliance for that day.
With this feature, users may only edit data as far back as seven days into the past.

View Entry
With this release, a new View Entry feature has been added to the Capacity & Utilization tab of the Portal that allows users to view the date, time, and data field entries for previous submissions:
This feature only applies to data entries created on or after 10/19/20.

Compliance View
A new Daily Compliance section has been added to the Capacity & Utilization tab of the Portal. With this section users can see whether or not they were compliant within the past seven days (including the present day) at the facility level.
In order to be considered compliant, facilities must have submitted all required values for any given day; if more than one value is missing, then the facility will be considered non-compliant for that day.
Use the drop-downs below to learn which fields are required, and which are optional:

- 2a. All hosptial beds
- 2b. All adult hospital beds
- 3a. All hospital inpatient beds
- 3b. Adult hospital inpatient beds
- 4a. All hospital inpatient bed occupancy
- 4b. Adult hospital inpatient bed occupancy
- 5a. ICU beds
- 5b. Adult ICU beds
- 6a. ICU bed occupancy
- 6b. Adult ICU bed occupancy
- 7. Total mechanical ventilators
- 8. Mechanical ventilators in use
- 9a. Total hospitalized adult suspected or confirmed positive COVID patients
- 9b. Hospitalized adult confirmed-positive COVID patients
- 10a. Total hospitalized pediatric suspected or confirmed positive COVID patients
- 10b. Hospitalized pediatric confirmed-positive COVID patients
- 11. Hospitalized and ventilated COVID patients
- 12a. Total ICU adult suspected or confirmed positive COVID patients
- 12b. Hospitalized ICU adult confirmed-positive COVID patients
- 13. Hospital onset
- 14. ED/overflow
- 15. ED/overflow and ventilated
- 16. Previous Day's COVID-19 Deaths
- 17a. Total adult
- 17b. Total adult
- 18a. Previous day's pediatric admissions with confirmed COVID-19
- 18b. Previous day's pediatric admissions with suspected COVID-19
- 19. Previous day's total ED visits
- 20. Previous day's COVID-19-related ED visits

- 27a. Ventilator supplies
- 27b. N95 respirators
- 27c. Surgical and procedure masks
- 27d. Eye protection including face shields and goggles
- 27e. Single-use gowns
- 27f. Exam gloves (sterile and non-sterile)
- 29a. Ventilator supplies (any supplies excluding medications)
- 29b. Ventilator medications
- 29c. N95 respirators
- 29d. Other respirators such as PAPRs or elastomerics
- 29e. Surgical and procedure masks
- 29f. Eye protection including face shields and goggles
- 29g. Single-use gowns
- 29h. Exam gloves
- 30a. Ventilator supplies (any supplies excluding medications)
- 30b. Ventilator medications
- 30c. N95 respirators
- 30d. Other respirators such as PAPRs or elastomerics
- 30e. Surgical and procedure masks
- 30f. Eye protection including face shields and goggles
- 30g. Single-use gowns
- 30h. Exam gloves
- 30i. Laboratory - nasal pharyngeal swabs
- 30j. Laboratory - nasal swabs
- 30k. Laboratory - viral transport media
- 31a. Reusable/launderable isolation gowns
- 31b. PAPRs or elastomerics
- 31c. N95 respirators

- 21. Previous day's Remdesivir Used
- 22. Current Inventory of Remdesivir
- 23. Critical staffing shortage today (Y/N)
- 24. Critical staffing shortage anticipated within a week (Y/N)
- 25. Staffing shortage details
- 26. Are your PPE supply items managed (purchased, allocated, and/or stored) at the facility level or, if you are a part of a health system, at the health system level (or other multiple facility group)?
- 28a. N95 respirators
- 28b. Other respirators such as PAPRs or elastomerics
- 28c. Surgical and procedure masks
- 28d. Eye protection including face shields and goggles
- 28e. Single-use gowns
- 28f. Launderable gowns
- 28g. Exam gloves (single)
- 29a. Are you able to maintain a supply of lanuderable gowns?
- 32. Indicate any specific or critical medical supplies or medication shortages you are currently experiencing or anticipate experiencing in the next three days
- 33. Total hospitalized patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza
- 34. Previous day's influenza admissions
- 35. Total ICU patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza
- 36. Total hospitalized patients with both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and influenza
- 37. Previous day's influenza deaths
- 38. Previous day's deaths with both COVID-19 and influenza

Web Form Historical Reporting
On November 19th, a new date selection drop down was added to the U.S. Healthcare COVID-19 Portal Web Form. This feature allows users to enter data for the present day or as far back as seven days directly from the web form interface.

Historical Reporting
With this update, users are now able to upload data as far back as seven days (not including today) through the Data Upload feature.
Click here to learn how to enter data for a previous date with the Data Upload feature.

Are You Sure Pop-up
On Tuesday October 27th, 2020, the U.S. Healthcare COVID-19 Portal has been updated to include a new Are You Sure? pop-up. This window will notify users of any missing required or optional fields before submitting data from the New Entry page.

On Monday October 19th, 2020 the following updates were made to the U.S. Healthcare COVID-19 Portal to reflect changes made to the HHS Guidance on October 6th, 2020.
Data Entry Form Updates
With this update, data fields in the entry form have been numbered in order to align with the latest HHS Guidance. These numbers will correspond to the matching data fields in the HHS Guidance.
Additionally, 35 data points have been removed from the entry form. See the Data Updates section below for details.
Uploading Data Templates
The Data Upload feature currently accept either the legacy unified multi-facility template (which reflects the July 29th HHS Guidance) or the new unified multi-facility template (which reflects the October 6th HHS Guidance). The upload option via New Entry accepts only the new single-facility template, which can be downloaded here or on the New Entry Page.
For users uploading data for multiple facilities, the new template containing all the facilities in your account can be downloaded from the Data Upload dialog in the Portal.
Users still uploading data through the legacy template have the option of adding the following influenza data points to their template to match the latest HHS guidance:
- total_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_influenza
- previous_day_admission_influenza_confirmed
- total_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_influenza_and_covid
- icu_patients_confirmed_influenza
- previous_day_deaths_influenza
- previous_day_deaths_covid_and_influenza
Data Updates
Use the drop-downs below to learn what data points have been added, removed, and made required or optional.

- Total hospitalized adult suspected or confirmed COVID
- Total hospitalized pediatric suspected or confirmed COVID
- Total ICU adult suspected or confirmed positive COVID patients
- ED/overflow
- Staffing shortage details

- total_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_influenza
- previous_day_admission_influenza_confirmed
- icu_patients_confirmed_influenza
- total_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_influenza_and_covid
- previous_day_deaths_influenza
- previous_day_deaths_covid_and_influenza

- Bed Capacity _Overall_Pediatric
- Bed Capacity_InPatient_Pediatric (Total)
- Bed Capacity_InPatient_Pediatric (Occupied)
- Bed Capacity_ICU_Pediatric (Total)
- Bed Capacity_ICU_Pediatric (Occupied)
- COVID-19_Patients_Total Hospitalized_Confirmed
- COVID-19_Patients_Total Hospitalized_Suspected
- COVID-19_Patienta_Total Hospitalized_Adult (Suspected)
- COVID-19_Patients_Total Hospitalized_Pediatric (Suspected)
- COVID-19_Patients_Using Ventilation_Adult (Using Ventilation)
- COVID-19_Patients_Using Ventilation_Pediatric (Using Ventilation)
- COVID-19 Patients_ICU_Confirmed
- COVID-19 Patients_ICU_Pediatric (Confirmed)
- COVID-19 Patients_ICU_Suspected
- COVID-19 Patients_ICU_Adult (Suspected)
- COVID-19 Patients_ICU_Pediatric (Suspected)
- COVID-19 Patients_Total Hospitalized_Adult
- COVID-19 Patients_Total Hospitalized_Pediatric
- COVID-19 Patients_ED/Overflow_Confirmed
- COVID-19 Patients_ED/Overflow_Adult (Confirmed)
- COVID-19 Patients_ED/Overflow_Pediatric (Confirmed)
- COVID-19 Patients_ED/Overflow_Suspected
- COVID-19 Patients_ED/Overflow_Adult (Suspected)
- COVID-19 Patients_ED/Overflow_Pediatric (Suspected)
- COVID-19 Patients_ED/Overflow_Adult (Using Ventilation)
- COVID-19 Patients_ED/Overflow_Pediatric (Using Ventilation)
- Staff_Roles with Anticipated Shortage Within a Week_Environmental Services
- Staff_Roles with Anticipated Shortage Within a Week_Nurses
- Staff_Roles with Anticipated Shortage Within a Week_Respiratory Therapists
- Staff_Roles with Anticipated Shortage Within a Week_Pharmacists and Pharmacy Techs
- Staff_Roles with Anticipated Shortage Within a Week_Physicians
- Staff_Roles with Anticipated Shortage Within a Week_Other Licensed Independent Practitioners
- Staff_Roles with Anticipated Shortage Within a Week_Temporary Staff
- Staff_Roles with Anticipated Shortage Within a Week_Other critical healthcare personnel
- PPE_Launderable Gowns_Does your facility use launderable gowns?

- previous_day_remdesivir_used
- on_hand_supply_remdesivir_vials
- critical_staffing_shortage_today
- critical_staffing_shortage_anticipated_within_week

- PPE_supply_management_source
- on_hand_ventilator_supplies_in_days
- on_hand_supply_of_n95_respirators_in_days
- on_hand_supply_of_surgical_masks_in_days
- on_hand_supply_of_eye_protection_in_days
- on_hand_supply_of_single_use_surgical_gowns_in_days
- on_hand_supply_of_gloves_in_days
- on_hand_supply_of_n95_respirators_in_units
- on_hand_supply_of_PAPR_in_units
- on_hand_supply_of_surgical_masks_in_units
- on_hand_supply_of_eye_protection_in_units
- on_hand_supply_of_single_use_surgical_gowns_in_units
- on_hand_supply_of_launderable_surgical_gowns_in_units
- on_hand_supply_of_gloves_in_units
- able_to_obtain_ventilator_supplies
- able_to_obtain_ventilator_medications
- able_to_obtain_n95_masks
- able_to_obtain_PAPRs
- able_to_obtain_surgical_masks
- able_to_obtain_eye_protection
- able_to_obtain_single_use_gowns
- able_to_obtain_gloves
- able_to_obtain_launderable_gowns
- able_to_maintain_ventilator_3day_supplies
- able_to_maintain_ventilator_3day_medications
- able_to_maintain_n95_masks
- able_to_maintain_3day_PAPRs
- able_to_maintain_3day_surgical_masks
- able_to_maintain_3day_eye_protection
- able_to_maintain_3day_single_use_gowns
- able_to_maintain_3day_gloves
- able_to_maintain_3day_lab_nasal_pharyngeal_swabs
- able_to_maintain_lab_nasal_swabs
- able_to_maintain_3day_lab_viral_transport_media
- reusable_isolation_gowns_used
- reusable_PAPRs_or_elastomerics_used
- reusuable_n95_masks_used
- anticipated_medical_supply_medication_shortages

- all_hospital_beds
- all_adult_hospital_beds
- all_hospital_inpatient_beds
- all_adult_hospital_inpatient_beds
- all_hospital_inpatient_bed_occupied
- all_adult_hospital_inpatient_bed_occupied
- total_staffed_icu_beds
- total_staffed_adult_icu_beds
- staffed_icu_bed_occupancy
- staffed_adult_icu_bed_occupancy
- mechanical_ventilators
- mechanical_ventilators_in_use
- total_adult_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_and_suspected_covid
- total_adult_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_covid
- total_pediatric_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_and_suspected_covid
- total_pediatric_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_covid
- hospitalized_and_ventilated_covid_patients
- staffed_icu_adult_patients_confirmed_and_suspected_covid
- staffed_icu_adult_patients_confirmed_covid
- hospital_onset
- ed_or_overflow
- ed_or_overflow_and_ventilated
- previous_day_deaths_covid
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_18_19
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_20_29
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_30_39
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_40_49
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_50_59
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_60_69
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_70_79
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_80_plus
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_confirmed_unknown_age
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_18_19
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_20_29
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_30_39
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_40_49
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_50_59
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_60_69
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_70_79
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_80_plus
- previous_day_admission_adult_covid_suspected_unknown_age
- previous_day_admission_pediatric_covid_confirmed
- previous_day_admission_pediatric_covid_suspected
- previous_day_total_ED_visits
- previous_day_covid_ED_visits
- previous_day_remdesivir_used
- on_hand_supply_remdesivir_vials
Data Update Mapping
Use the table below to learn how data points from the pre-October 19th Portal map to the new data points, as well as how the legacy template maps to the new template.

Previous Data Point | New Data Point | Legacy Template | New Template | ||
Section / Category | Data Point | Section | Data Point | ||
Bed Capacity / Overall |
Total Beds |
Bed Capacity |
2a. All hospital beds |
Total_Beds |
all_hospital_ beds |
Bed Capacity / Overall |
Total Beds - Adult |
Bed Capacity |
2b. All adult hospital beds |
Total_ Beds_Adult |
all_adult_ hospital_beds |
Bed Capacity / Inpatient |
Total Inpatient |
Bed Capacity |
3a. All hospital inpatient beds |
Total_ InPatient_ Beds |
all_hospital_ inpatient_beds |
Bed Capacity / Inpatient |
Total Inpatient - Adult |
Bed Capacity |
3b. Adult hospital inpatient beds |
Total_ InPatient_ Beds_Adult |
all_adult_ hospital_ inpatient_beds |
Bed Capacity / Inpatient |
Occupied Inpatient |
Bed Capacity |
4a. All hospital inpatient bed occupancy |
Occupied_ InPatient_ Beds |
all_hospital_ inpatient_bed_ occupied |
Bed Capacity / Inpatient |
Occupied Inpatient - Adult |
Bed Capacity |
4b. Adult hospital inpatient bed occupancy |
Occupied_ InPatient_ Beds_Adult |
all_adult_ hospital_ inpatient_bed_ occupied |
Bed Capacity / ICU |
Total | Bed Capacity | 5a. ICU beds |
ICU_Total_ Beds |
total_staffed_ icu_beds |
Bed Capacity / ICU |
Total - Adult | Bed Capacity | 5b. Adult ICU beds |
ICU_Total_ Beds_Adult |
total_staffed_ adult_icu_beds |
Bed Capacity / ICU |
Occupied | Bed Capacity | 6a. ICU bed occupancy |
ICU_ Occupied_ Beds |
staffed_icu_ bed_occupancy |
Bed Capacity / ICU |
Occupied - Adult |
Bed Capacity |
6b. Adult ICU bed occupancy |
ICU_ Occupied_ Beds_Adult |
staffed_adult_ icu_bed_ occupancy |
Ventilators / Mechanical Ventilators |
Total Inventory |
Ventilators |
7. Total mechanical ventilators |
Total_ Ventilators |
mechanical_ ventilators |
Ventilators / Mechanical Ventilators |
In Use | Ventilators |
8. Mechanical ventilators in use |
Ventilators_ In_Use |
mechanical_ ventilators_ in_use |
COVID-19 Patients / Total Hospitalized |
Confirmed - Adult |
Hospitalizations |
9b. Hospitalized adult confirmed-positive COVID patients |
Confirmed_ Patients_ Adult |
total_adult_ patients_ hospitalized_ confirmed_ covid |
COVID-19 Patients / Using Ventilation |
Using Ventilation | Hospitalizations |
11. Hospitalized and ventilated COVID patients |
Patients_ Using_ Ventilation |
hospitalized_ and_ventilated_ covid_patients |
COVID-19 Patients / ICU |
Confirmed - Adult | Hospitalizations | 12b. Hospitalized ICU adult confirmed-positive COVID patients |
ICU_ Confirmed_ Patients_ Adult |
staffed_icu_ adult_patients_ confirmed_ covid |
COVID-19 Patients / Total Hospitalized |
Hospital Onset | Hospitalizations | 13. Hospital onset |
Hospital_ Onset_ Patients |
hospital_onset |
COVID-19 Patients / ED/Overflow |
Using Ventilation |
ED/Overflow |
15. ED/overflow and ventilated |
ED_ Overflow_ Patients_ Using_ Ventilation |
ed_or_ overflow_and_ ventilated |
Previous Day's Events / Previous Day's Deaths |
COVID-19 Deaths |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Deaths |
16. Previous day's COVID-19 deaths |
Covid_ Death_In_ Last_24_ Hrs |
previous_day_ deaths_covid |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
Total Adult |
Previous Day's Admissions |
17a. Total Adult |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Confirmed_ Adult |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ confirmed |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
18 - 19 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
18 - 19 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Confirmed_ 18_19 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ confirmed_18_ 19 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
20 - 29 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
20 - 29 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Confirmed_ 20_29 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ confirmed_20_ 29 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
30 - 39 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
30 - 39 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Confirmed_ 30_39 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ confirmed_30_ 39 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
40 - 49 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
40 - 49 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Confirmed_ 40_49 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ confirmed_40_ 49 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
50 - 59 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
50 - 59 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Confirmed_ 50_59 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ confirmed_50_ 59 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
60 - 69 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
60 - 69 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Confirmed_ 60_69 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ confirmed_60_ 69 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
70 - 79 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
70 - 79 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Confirmed_ 70_79 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ confirmed_70_ 79 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
80+ |
Previous Day's Admissions |
80+ |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Confirmed_ 80+ |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ confirmed_80_ plus |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
Age Unknown |
Previous Day's Admissions |
Unknown |
(calculated) |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ confirmed_ unknown_age |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
Total Adult |
Previous Day's Admissions |
17b. Total adult |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Suspected_ Adult |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ suspected |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
18 - 19 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
18 - 19 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Suspected_ 18_19 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ suspected_18_ 19 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
20 - 29 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
20 - 29 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Suspected_ 20_29 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ suspected_20_ 29 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
30 - 39 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
30 - 39 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Suspected_ 30_39 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ suspected_30_ 39 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
40 - 49 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
40 - 49 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Suspected_ 40_49 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ suspected_40_ 49 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
50 - 59 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
50 - 59 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Suspected_ 50_59 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ suspected_50_ 59 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
60 - 69 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
60 - 69 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Suspected_ 60_69 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ suspected_60_ 69 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
70 - 79 |
Previous Day's Admissions |
70 - 79 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Suspected_ 70_79 |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ suspected_70_ 79 |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
80+ |
Previous Day's Admissions |
80+ |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Suspected_ 80+ |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ suspected_80_ plus |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range |
Age Unknown |
Previous Day's Admissions |
Unknown | (Calculated) |
previous_day_ admission_ adult_covid_ suspected_ unknown_age |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Pediatric Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions |
Total Pediatric |
Previous Day's Admissions |
18a. Previous day's pediatric admissions with confirmed COVID-19 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Confirmed_ 0_17 |
previous_day_ admission_ pediatric_ covid_ confirmed |
Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits / Pediatric Suspected COVID-19 Admissions |
Total Pediatric |
Previous Day's Admissions |
18b. Previous day's pediatric admissions with suspected COVID-19 |
Admits_In_ Last_24_ Hrs_ Suspected_ 0_17 |
previous_day_ admission_ pediatric_ covid_ suspected |
Previous Day's Events / Previous Day's ED Visits |
Total | ED/Overflow |
19. Previous day's total ED visits |
ED_Visits_ In_Last_24_ Hrs_Total |
previous_day_ total_ED_visits |
Previous Day's Events / Previous Day's ED Visits |
Related to COVID-19 |
ED/Overflow |
20. Previous day's total COVID-19-related visits |
ED_Visits_ In_Last_24_ Hrs_Covid_ Related |
previous_day_ covid_ED_visits |
Remdesivir Supply / Doses Used Yesterday |
Total | Remdesivir | 21. Previous day's Remdesivir used |
Remdesivir _Used_ Previous_ Day |
previous_day_ remdesivir_ used |
Remdesivir Supply / Current Inventory |
Total | Remdesivir | 22. Current inventory of Remdesivir |
Remdesivir _Current_ Inventory |
on_hand_ supply_ remdesivir_ vials |
Staff / Staffing Shortage |
Staffing shortage today? | Staff |
23. Critical staffing shortage today (Y/N) |
Staffing_ Shortage_ Today |
critical_ staffing_ shortage_today |
Staff / Staffing Shortage |
Staffing shortage anticipated this week? |
Staff |
24. Critical staffing shortage anticipated within a week (Y/N) |
Staffing_ Shortage_ Anticipated _this_Week |
critical_staffing_ shortage_ anticipated_ within_week |
PPE / Supplies | PPE Source | PPE |
26. Are your PPE supplies managed (purchased, allocated, and/or stored) at the facility level or, if you are a part of the health system, at the health system level (or other multiple facility group)? |
PPE_Source |
PPE_supply_ management_ source |
PPE / Ventilator Supplies |
Days on Hand | PPE |
27a. Ventilator Supplies |
Ventilator_ Supplies_ Days_On_ Hand |
on_hand_ ventilator_ supplies_in_ days |
PPE / N95 Masks | Days on Hand | PPE | 27b. N95 Respirators |
Total_N95_ Days_On_ Hand |
on_hand_ supply_of_n95_ respirators_in_ days |
PPE / Surgical Masks | Days on Hand | PPE |
27c. Surgical and procedure masks |
Total_ Surgical_ Masks_ Days_On_ Hand |
on_hand_ supply_of_ surgical_masks_ in_days |
PPE / Eye Protection | Days on Hand | PPE |
27d. Eye protection including face shields and goggles |
Total_ Face_ Shields_ Days_On_ Hand |
on_hand_ supply_of_ eye_protection_ in_days |
PPE / Single-Use Gowns |
Days on Hand | PPE | 27e. Single-use gowns |
Total_ Single_ Use_ Gowns_ Days_On_ Hand |
on_hand_ supply_of_ single_use_ surgical_gowns_ in_days |
PPE / Exam Gloves | Days on Hand | PPE |
27f. Exam gloves (sterile and non-sterile) |
Total_ Gloves_ Days_On_ Hand |
on_hand_ supply_of_ gloves_ in_days |
PPE / N95 Masks | Inventory | PPE | 28a. N95 Respirators |
Total_N95_ Masks |
on_hand_ supply_of_ n95_ respirators_in_ units |
PPE / PAPR and Elastomerics |
PAPR and Elastomerics Inventory |
28b. Other respirators such as PAPRs or elastomerics |
Total_PAPR |
on_hand_ supply_of_ PAPR_ in_units |
PPE / Surgical Masks |
Surgical Mask Inventory |
28c. Surgical and procedure masks |
Total_ Surgical_ Masks |
on_hand_ supply_of_ surgical_ masks_in_ units |
PPE / Eye Protection | Eye Protection Inventory | PPE |
28d. Eye protection including face shields and goggles |
Total_Face_ Shields |
on_hand_ supply_of_ eye_protection_ in_units |
PPE / Single-Use Gowns |
Single-Use Gown Inventory | PPE | 28e. Single-use gowns |
Total_ Single_ use_Gowns |
on_hand_ supply_of_ single_use_ surgical_gowns_ in_units |
PPE / Launderable Gowns |
Launderable Gowns Inventory |
28f. Launderable Gowns |
Launderable _Gowns_ Inventory |
on_hand_ supply_of_ launderable_ surgical_gowns_ in_units |
PPE / Exam Gloves |
Exam Gloves Inventory |
28g. Exam gloves (single) |
Total_Gloves |
on_hand_ supply_of_ gloves_in_units |
Ventilators / Ventilator Supplies |
Able to Obtain? | PPE |
29a. Ventilator supplies (any supplies excluding medications) |
Ventilator_ Supplies_ Able_to_ Obtain |
able_to_obtain_ ventilator_ supplies |
Ventilators / Ventilator Medications |
Able to Obtain? | PPE |
29b. Ventilator medications |
Ventilator_ Medications_ Able_to_ Obtain |
able_to_obtain_ ventilator_ medications |
PPE / N95 Masks | Able to Obtain? | PPE | 29c. N95 respirators |
N95_Able_to_ Obtain |
able_to_obtain_ n95_masks |
PPE / PAPRs and Elastomerics | Able to Obtain? | PPE |
29d. Other respirators such as PAPRs and elastomerics |
PAPR_Able_to_ Obtain |
able_to_obtain_ PAPRs |
PPE / Surgical Masks | Able to Obtain? | PPE | 29e. Surgical and procedure masks |
Surgical_ Masks_Able_ to_Obtain |
able_to_obtain_ surgical_masks |
PPE / Eye Protection | Able to Obtain? | PPE |
29f. Eye protection including face shields and goggles |
Face_Shields_ Able_to_ Obtain |
able_to_obtain_ eye_protection |
PPE / Single-Use Gowns |
Able to Obtain? | PPE | 29g. Single-use gowns |
Single_use_ Gowns_Able_ to_Obtain |
able_to_obtain_ single_use_ gowns |
PPE / Exam Gloves | Able to Obtain? | PPE | 29h. Exam gloves |
Gloves_Able_ to_Obtain |
able_to_obtain_ gloves |
PPE / Launderable Gowns |
Able to Maintain a Supply of? |
29i. Are you able to maintain a supply of launderable gowns? |
Maintain_ Supply_of_ Launderable_ Gowns |
able_to_obtain_ launderable_ gowns |
Ventilators / Ventilator Supplies |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
30a. Ventilator supplies (any supplies excluding medications) |
Ventilator_ Supplies_ 3Day_Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ ventilator_ 3day_supplies |
Ventilators / Ventilator Medications |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
30b. Ventilator medications |
Ventilator_ Medications_ 3Day_Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ ventilator_ 3day_ medications |
PPE / N95 Masks |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
PPE | 30c. N95 respirators |
Total_N95_ 3Day_Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ n95_masks |
PPE / PAPRs and Elastomerics |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
30d. Other respirators such as PAPRs or elastomerics |
Total_PAPR_ 3Day_Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ 3day_PAPRs |
PPE / Surgical Masks |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
30e. Surgical and procedure masks |
Total_Surgical_ Mask_3Day_ Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ 3day_surgical_ masks |
PPE / Eye Protection |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
30f. Eye protection including face shields and goggles |
Total_Face_ Shields_ 3Day_Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ 3day_eye_ protection |
PPE / Single-Use Gowns |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
PPE | 30g. Single-use gowns |
Total_Single_ use_Gowns_ 3Day_Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ 3day_single_ use_gowns |
PPE / Exam Gloves |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
PPE | 30h. Exam gloves |
Total_Gloves_ 3Day_Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ 3day_gloves |
Laboratory Equipment / Nasal Pharyngeal Swabs |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
30i. Laboratory - nasal pharyngeal swabs |
Nasal_ Pharyngeal_ Swabs_ 3Day_Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ 3day_lab_ nasal_ pharyngeal |
Laboratory Equipment / Nasal Swabs |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
PPE | 30j. Laboratory - nasal swabs |
Nasal_Swabs_ 3Day_Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ lab_nasal_ swabs |
Laboratory Equipment / Viral Transport Media |
Can Maintain a 3-day Supply? |
30k. Laboratory - viral transport media |
Viral_ Transport_ Media_3Day_ Supply |
able_to_ maintain_ 3day_lab_viral_ transport_ media |
PPE / Launderable Gowns |
Does your facility re-use or extend use? |
31a. Reusable/ launderable isolation gowns |
Total_ Launderable_ Gowns_Reuse |
reusable_ isolation_gowns_used |
PPE / PAPR and Elastomerics |
Does your facility re-use or extend use? |
31b. PAPRs or elastomerics |
Total_PAPR_ Reuse |
reusable_ PAPRs_or_ elastomerics_ used |
PPE / N95 Masks |
Does your facility re-use or extend use? |
PPE | 31c. N95 respirators |
Total_N95_ Reuse |
reusuable_n95_ masks_used |
PPE / Supplies |
Additional critical medical supplies shortages anticipated in the next 3 days? |
32. Indicate any specific or critical medical supplies or medication shortages you are currently experiencing or anticipate experiencing in the next three days. |
Anticipated_ Critical_ Medical_ Supply_ Shortage |
anticipated_ medical_ supply_ medication_ shortages |
Known Issues
Show Detail
Issue: The Show Detail page no longer shows values entered for Confirmed and Suspected in the COVID-19 Patients section. This issue prevents the user from reviewing previously entered data for those fields.
Workaround: While this issue prevents a user from viewing data entered for those fields, it does not impact the integrity of the data. The data entered is saved.
Download History
Issue: The columns in the Download History file have not been updated to match the October 6th HHS Guidance and users may see that data previously entered is not shown.
Workaround: At this time there is no workaround for this issue, however we are working towards a solution.

Historical Reporting
With this release, users will be able to report historical data as far back as four days.
Available through the Data Upload feature, to submit data for a previous day users will be presented with a Date For Submission drop-down that will allow them to choose any date within the past four days (including the current day).
Click here to learn how to use this feature.

The following updates have been released to the U.S. Healthcare COVID-19 Portal in accordance with the 7/29 HHS Guidance update:
Data Updates
- Total Adult Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions and Total Adult Suspected COVID-19 Admissions have been added as required data points to the Portal. These two new data points will replace "Total Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions" and "Total Suspected COVID-19 Admissions".
- All "3-Day Supply" data points now include a N/A option for any supplies that do not apply to your facility.
- All "Days on Hand" data points has been updated so that data can be entered through range inputs.
- The "Days on Hand" data point has been removed from the PAPRs and Elastomerics category of the data entry form.
- A new data point, Does your facility re-use or extend the use, has been added to the following categories:
- N95 Masks
- PAPR and Elastomerics
- Launderable Gowns
Upload Data File
- The Total_PAPR_Days_On_Hand column will be removed.
- Three new columns will be added:
- Total_N95_Reuse
- Total_PAPR_Reuse
- Total_Launderable_Gowns_Reuse
Name Changes
Original Name | New Name |
Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed |
Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_Adult |
Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected |
Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_Adult |

The following updates have been made to the U.S. Healthcare COVID-19 Portal.
Data Updates
The following data points have been renamed (this does not affect column headers in the multi-facility upload file):
Original Title | New Title |
Gloves |
Exam Gloves |
Face Shields |
Eye Protection |

- Total Hospitalized / Confirmed
- Total Hospitalized / Confirmed - Adult
- Total Hospitalized / Confirmed - Pediatric
- Total Hospitalized / Suspected
- Total Hospitalized / Suspected - Adult
- Total Hospitalized / Suspected - Pediatric
- Overall / Total Beds
- Overall / Total Beds - Adult
- Overall / Total Beds - Pediatric
- Inpatient / Total Inpatient
- Inpatient / Total Inpatient - Adult
- Inpatient / Total Inpatient - Pediactric
- Previous Day's ED Visits / Total
- Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range / Pediatric (0-17)
- Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range / Pediatric (0-17)
- Ventilator Supplies / Days on Hand
- N95 Masks / Days on Hand
- Surgical Masks / Days on Hand
- Eye Protection / Eye Protection Inventory
- Eye Protection / Days on Hand
- Exam Gloves / Exam Gloves Inventory
- Exam Gloves / Days on Hand
- Single-use Gowns / Days on Hand
- PAPR and Elastomerics / Days on Hand
- Staffing Shortage / Staffing Shortage Today?
- Staffing Shortage / Staffing shortage anticipated this week?
Documentation Updates
Visit our new FAQ page for answers to the most common questions about the Portal, or the new HHS Guidance page for a detailed mapping of HHS Guidance IDs to Portal data points.

The following updates have been made to the U.S. Healthcare COVID-19 Portal.
Data Entry Form
The category "Surgical Gowns" in the PPE section of the data entry form has been renamed "Single-use Gowns".
This update also includes the removal and addition of data points:

- Total COVID-19 Deaths
- Total Deaths
- Total COVID-19 Admits
- Other Ventilatory Support Devices
- Fentanyl - Able to obtain?
- Fentanyl - Can maintain a 3-day supply?
- Hydromorphone - Able to obtain?
- Hydromorphone - Can maintain a 3-day supply?
- Propofol - Able to obtain?
- Propofol - Can maintain a 3-day supply?
- Midazolam - Able to obtain?
- Midazolam - Can maintain a 3-day supply?
- Dexmedetomidine - Able to obtain?
- Dexmedetomidine - Can maintain a 3-day supply?
- Cisatracurium - Able to obtain?
- Cisatracurium - Can maintain a 3-day supply?
- Rocuronium - Able to obtain?
- Rocuronium - Can maintain a 3-day supply?
- N95 Masks - Currently re-using the item or implementing extended use?
- Surgical Masks - Currently re-using the item or implementing extended use?
- Face Shields - Currently re-using the item or implementing extended use?
- Gloves - Currently re-using the item or implementing extended use?
- Surgical Gowns - Currently re-using the item or implementing extended use?
- PAPR and Elastomerics - Currently re-using the item or implementing extended use?

- N95 Masks - Are you able to obtain these items?
- Surgical Masks - Are you able to obtain these items?
- Face Shields - Are you able to obtain these items?
- Gloves - Are you able to obtain these items?
- Single-use Gowns - Are you able to obtain these items?
- PAPR and Elastomerics - Are you able to obtain these items?
- Launderable Gowns Inventory
- Ventilator Medications - Able to obtain?
- Ventilator Medications - Can maintain a 3-day supply?
Upload Data File
The following data points have been changed:
Original Title |
New Title |
Total_Surgical_Gowns |
Total_Single_use_Gowns |
Total_Surgical_Gowns_Days_on_Hand |
Total_Single_use_Gowns_Days_on_Hand |
Total_Surgical_Gowns_3Day_Supply |
Total_Single_use_Gowns_3Day_Supply |
This update also includes the removal and addition of data points in the .csv file used for the Multi-Facillity Upload and Single-Facility Upload features.

- Total_Covid19_Deaths
- Total_Deaths
- Total_Covid19_Admits
- Other_Vent_Support_Devices
- Fentanyl_Able_to_Obtain
- Fentanyl_3Day_Supply
- Hydromorphone_Able_to_Obtain
- Hydromorphone_3Day_Supply
- Propofol_Able_to_Obtain
- Propofol_3Day_Supply
- Midazolam_Able_to_Obtain
- Midazolam_3Day_Supply
- Dexmedetomidine_Able_to_Obtain
- Dexmedetomidine_3Day_Supply
- Cisatracurium_Able_to_Obtain
- Cisatracurium_3Day_Supply
- Rocuronium_Able_to_Obtain
- Rocuronium_3Day_Supply
- Total_N95_Reuse
- Total_Surgical_Mask_Reuse
- Total_Face_Shields_Reuse
- Total_Gloves_Reuse
- Total_Surgical_Gowns_Reuse
- Total_PAPR_Reuse

- Ventilator_Medications_Able_to_Obtain
- Ventilator_Medications_3Day_Supply
- N95_Able_to_Obtain
- Surgical_Masks_Able_to_Obtain
- Face_Shields_Able_to_Obtain
- Gloves_Able_to_Obtain
- Single_use_Gowns_Able_to_Obtain
- PAPR_Able_to_Obtain
- Launderable_Gowns_Inventory

The following updates have been made to the U.S. Healthcare COVID-19 Portal:
Data Entry Form
- The Previous Day's Admissions section has been divided into the new Previous Day's Event and Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits sections.
- Under the new Previous Day's COVID-19 Admits section, an age bracket breakdown has been added to the Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range and Suspected COVID-19 Admissions by Age Range categories. This addition allows hospitals to provide the age range of patients that fall under this section.
- The maximum value for all "Days On Hand" data points has been increased to 999.
- Under the PPE section, the "PAPR" count has been updated to include Elastomerics.
Upload Data File

- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_Adult
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_Adult

- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_0_17
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_18_19
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_20_29
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_30_39
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_40_49
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_50_59
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_60_69
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_70_79
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Confirmed_80+
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_0_17
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_18_19
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_20_29
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_30_39
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_40_49
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_50_59
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_60_69
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_70_79
- Admits_In_Last_24_Hrs_Suspected_80+

The U.S. Healthcare COVID-19 Portal has been updated to include two new IDs for every facility: AHA and NHSN OrgID.
Download History
Users now have the ability to download all historical data entered into the Portal for every facility they have access to.

The data submissions form has been updated with the following changes:
- Adult and Pediatric fields have been added to the fields in the COVID-19 Patients, Bed Capacity, and the Previous Day's Covid-19 Admissions, categories.
- A new category has been added for Remdesivir with a new data point, Doses Used Yesterday.
- The Previous Day's Events category now includes Previous Day's Covid-19 Admissions, Previous Day's ED Visits, and Previous Day's Deaths data points.
- The Ventilators category now includes Ventilator Supplies, Fentanyl, Hydromorphone, Propofol, Midazolam, Dexmedetomidine, Cisatracurium, Rocuronium data points.
- Data points reporting the re-usage or extended use of N95 Masks, Surgical Masks, Face Shields, Gloves, Surgical Gowns, and PAPR have been added to the PPE Category.
- The PPE Source field is now grouped with data points concerning launderable gowns and additional critical medical supply shortages under the Supplies category.
- A new Laboratory Equipment category has been added, which includes Nasal Pharyngeal Swabs, Nasal Swabs, and Viral Transport Media fields.
- A new Staff category has been added, which includes Staffing Shortage fields and Roles with Anticipated Shortage Within a Week fields (Environmental Services, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Techs, Physicians, Other Licensed Independent Practitioners, Temporary Staff, and Other critical healthcare personnel.
Users that upload their data with the "Upload Data File" function must re-download the template as it has been updated with the new data points. For instructions on how to download the template, click here.

The data submissions form has been updated with the following changes:
- What was formerly the "Equipment" section has now been divided into two separate sections: "Ventilators" and "PPE".
- 15 new data points have been added to the "PPE" section, and the "N95 Expected to Last" drop down has been replaced with the "Days on Hand" data point under the "N95" category.
Users that upload their data with the "Upload Data File" function must re-download the template as it has been updated with the new data points. For instructions on how to download the template, click here.

New Data Points
The following data points have been added to the data entry form:
- Expected to Last: The approximate number of days the N95 Mask Inventory is expected to last in the facility.
- Surgical Gowns Inventory: The current number of surgical gowns ready for use.
- Face Shields Inventory: The current number of face shields ready for use.
- Coveralls Inventory: The current number of coveralls ready for use.
- Gloves Inventory: The current number of pairs of gloves ready for use.
- PAPR Inventory: The current number of Powered Air Purifying Respirators ready for use.
Totals Since January 1, 2020
Total COVID-19 Admits: The total number of patients who were admitted to an inpatient bed since 1/1/2020 who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission.
Data Entry Form Update
Users are now able to leave data points as "Unknown" if they do not know the value. When adding a new entry, to leave a data point as "Unknown", you can leave it blank or delete the value that's currently typed into the field.
The only data points that cannot be left blank are:
- Overall Covid-19 Confirmed
- Overall COVID-19 Suspected
- ICU COVID-19 Confirmed
- ICU COVID-19 Suspected
- Total COVID-19 Admits
Please do not enter "0" into the form unless the value is actually 0.

New Data Points
The following data points were added to the data entry form:
- Previous Day's Admissions Confirmed: The total number of patients who were admitted to an inpatient bed on the previous calendar day (12am - 11:59pm) who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission.
- Previous Day's Admissions Under Investigation: The total number of patients who were admitted to an inpatient bed on the previous calendar day (12am - 11:59pm) who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission.
- Overall Total Inpatient: The total number of all staffed inpatient beds in your hospital, including all overflow and surge/expansion beds used for inpatients (includes all ICU beds).
For more information, see the complete list of Data Points.

Data Entry Form Updates
The data entry form has been updated with a new user interface. With this update there are no longer any automatically calculated fields, and data points have been organized into new categories.
The categories of data points are now divided into:
- COVID-19 Patients
- Bed Capacity
- Equipment
- Deaths
Four new data points have also been added to the data entry form:
- Hospital Onset: Patients currently hospitalized in an inpatient bed (or anywhere in the hospital with inpatient order) with a new diagnosis of COVID-19 PUI, laboratory confirmed COVID-19, or clinically diagnosed COVID-19, fourteen or more days after hospital admission due to a condition other than COVID-19.
- ED/Overflow Confirmed: Patients with confirmed COVID-19 who are currently not assigned to a hospital bed. These patients may be in the ED or any overflow location awaiting an inpatient bed.
- ED/Overflow Under Investigation: Patients with suspected COVID-19 who are currently not assigned to a hospital bed. These patients may be in the ED or any overflow location awaiting an inpatient bed.
- ED/Overflow Using Ventilation: Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who are currently not assigned to a hospital bed. These patients may be in the ED or any overflow location awaiting an inpatient bed and on a mechanical ventilator.
For more information, see our re-organized data point table.

Multi-Facility Upload
Users now have the ability to submit data for multiple facilities with the Multi-Facility Upload feature. This allows users to submit a single .csv file that will update the data for every facility in their health system simultaneously.
Click here to learn how to upload data for multiple facilities.
Change Facilities
Users registered with multiple facilities now have the ability to switch between them in the Portal.
Click here to learn how to change between facilities.
Interface Updates
The Data Entry tab has been renamed Capacity and Utilization.

Remove Team Members
Users now have the ability to remove team members from the Portal to limit who can submit data.
Click here to learn how to remove a team member.

The launch of the U.S. Healthcare COVID-19 Portal comes with several capabilities and data points designed to help users successfully submit their data to the HHS.
Data Entry
Users can upload and submit data one of two ways:
- Fill out the data entry form
- Upload a .csv file
Either method will allow you to complete a successful data submission, and you'll be able to switch between methods per submission. To learn more about entering data, click here.
The portal also allows you to view the details of previous submissions.
Data Points
The data entry form contains several data points used by the HHS to assess the impact of COVID-19 across hospitals. To view a complete list of data point definitions, click here.
Once you've created an account for the Portal, you have the ability to add additional team members from your hospital to help upload data.
Every hospital can have up to twenty team members in the Portal. Click here to learn how to add team members.